836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve Times

CrossFit Classes will be at 9am and 10am. Then closed for the remainder of the day.

We will have an OPEN GYM on New Year's Day from 1pm-5pm. No morning classes will be held. Just the Open Gym.

Happy New Year 717!


Welcome 2011

11 Squat Snatches (75/45)
11 Squat Cleans (75/45)
11 Overhead Lunges Each Leg (75/45)
11 Overhead Squats (75/45)
11 SDHP (75/45)
11 Windmills Left (1.5 pood)
11 Windmills Right (1.5 pood)
11 KB Clean and Press Left (1.5 pood)
11 KB Clean and Press Right (1.5 pood)
11 KB Swings (1.5 pood)
11 Ring Dips
11 Pull-Ups
11 Wall Ball Shots (20 lb.)
11 KTE
11 GHD Back Extensions
11 Flutter Kicks (4 count exercise)
11 Push-Ups
11 Air Squats
11 Mountain Climbers (4 count exercise)
11 Box Jumps (24)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Day: OPEN GYM 1pm-5pm

717'rs: Paul will be at the box from 1pm-5pm on New Year's day (Saturday). It will be an open gym - meaning you can show up and feel free to do a WOD on your own, work on some weaknesses or skills, or have Paul design a WOD for you on the spot. Whatever you want to do. Come on in and have some fun. Maybe work off some of the previous night's festivities. And if we don't see you before then: HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Burpee-Thruster Day

At the top of every minute, perform 5 burpees.
Immediately perform as many thrusters as you can for the remainder of the minute.
Record the number of minutes it takes you to reach 100 thrusters.

Thruster Weight: Males - 100lb.
                         Females - 50lb.

Scale total number of thrusters (i.e. 75 or 50) before scaling load.

Question of the Day: An appropriate caption for the above pic of Aldo would be......???

Below: Aldo bangin' out some pull-ups during "Barbara".

Wednesday, December 29, 2010



5 rounds each for time:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds.

Post time for each round to comments section.

"Do or do not. There is no try." - ???

Tuesday, December 28, 2010



21-15-9 reps, for time:
Clean 135 lbs
Ring Dips

The clean as Rx should be a squat clean. If you're not quite there yet, then power clean.

"Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners."
- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Monday, December 27, 2010


AMRAP 20 minutes

3 Back Squats (5RM Load)
6 Strict Press (8-10RM Load)
9 Flutter Kicks (each leg)
12 Strict Pull-Ups

"Christmas is a necessity.  There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves." - Eric Sevareid

Even Santa does KB swings.........

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rest Day!

Or do a fun activity or sport. Tomorrow we begin to work off all the goodies we ate over Christmas!

Question: What is the meaning of Christmas to you?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all from the Coaches: Aldo, Dan, & Paul!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday WOD

"Twelve Days of Christmas"

For Time:

1-Power clean (135)
2-Push Jerks (135)
3-Deadlfts (135)
4-Handstand Push-ups
5-Ring Dips
8-KB Swings (1.5 pood)
10-Box jumps (24")
11-Sumo Deadlft High Pulls (95)
12-Thrusters (95)

Done just like the song, start with 1 PC, then 2 PJ-1 PC, 3 DL-2 PJ-1 PC, 4 HSPU-3 DL-2 PJ-1 PC, etc.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Work up to 3RM of the following in any order:

Bench Press
Snatch Grip Deadlift

Should reach your 3RM with 7-8 sets.

Tabata Calorie Row (accumulate as many calories as possible)

Karin, Kristen A, & Jason U.

Rich, Jason U., & Tim M.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Hours

Attention all CF 717ers:  Here are our Christmas and New Year's Hours-

12/24 Christmas Eve- 9am Team WOD only
12/25 Christmas- Closed
12/31 New Year's Eve- 9am & 10am CrossFit classes
1/1/11 New Year's Day- 10am WOD.


Run 1 mile

Rest 2-3 min then:

75 Power snatch, 75 reps for time.

Compare to 092910

Jason K, Rich, & Kristen F.

Coach Dan teaching the Snatch

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



As many rounds as possible in 20
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Monday, December 20, 2010


For Time Of:

On Even #’s Do:
Back Squat (155)
Rack Jerk (155) (Jerk from behind the neck, rather than in front)

On Odd #’s Do:
Box Jumps (24/20)
Double Unders

10 Back Squat
10 Rack Jerk
9 Box Jumps
9 DUs
8 Back Squat
8 Rack Jerk
7 Box Jumps
7 DUs

All the way down to 1.

Below: Pics from the Pre-Christmas Party Team WOD Night.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Or do a fun activity or sport. It really was a bad day to do "Brandon's Bad Day" yesterday, but fun nonetheless.

Great job goes out to Kara, who completed all 3 rounds of the 15 pull-ups - unassisted! Her most pull-ups prior to that was 5 or 6 in a workout, then she had to scale with bands. Someone learned how to use her hips and kip yesterday. Awesome job Kara!

Below: CF 717 Christmas Party Pics

Saturday, December 18, 2010


“Brandon’s Bad Day”

3 Rounds For Time Of:

15 OH Squat (95)
15 L-Pullups
15 Split Jerk (95)
15 KTE
15 Hang Clean (95)
15 Back Extensions (25lb. plate)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

See YOU There: 1st Annual CF 717 Christmas Party at Appalachian Brewing Company!

Don't forget to come out for the 5:30 team WOD Friday (which will be a blast, and the coaches will be doing the WOD with everyone!), after which we will all go to Appalachian Brewing Company on the Carlisle Pike in Camp Hill to celebrate victory, or wallow in defeat, or just soothe the aches and pains from a great workout. Free first drinks for the Winning Team! Starts at 7pm, goes 'til ???

Below is the link to Appalachian Brewing Company, where you can get the location, menu, directions, and such. See you all there! Maybe Pukie will show up to ABC?????



5 Rounds For Time of:

15 Unbroken Burpees
Rest 20 sec.
20 Unbroken Double-Unders
Rest 20 sec.
25 Unbroken Ball Slams (20lb.)

5 burpee pull-up penalty for each break taken during any exercise. Perform at end of WOD.

"Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are an ocean." - Japanese Proverb

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Squat/Power Clean

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Of:

Pistol Squats Right
Pistol Squat Left
Ring Dips

Use Box as Needed for Pistols.
May Substitute Weighted Lunges for Pistols as Needed.

"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Row 2K for time.

Rest 2-3 minutes.

Then AMRAP 12 minutes:

10 Bent Over Rows (10RM weight)
10 Bench Press (Same weight as used in Bent Over Row)

If the bench press is much easier for you than the rows (i.e you can complete more of the bench press sets unbroken than the rows) using the prescribed weight, perform an extra 30 Bent Over Rows at end of WOD.

Scott raising his arms to honor and praise Karen..............

Monday, December 13, 2010


717'rs! Come join the members and coaches of 717 at Appalachian Brewing Company in Camp Hill on Friday, December 17th from 7pm-?? for our first Christmas Party! Lets' have a great time hanging out together, and of course Great Food and Beer will be there (I recommend the Brown Ale - and it's okay, it's organic, so it's Paleo right?). Appetizers will be included free. See you there! 

WOD - "Deck of Cards"

“Deck of Cards”

The coach will shuffle a deck of cards. The cards will be dealt evenly to all athletes. One athlete flips over a card. The group completes the prescribed exercise for the number of repetitions on the card. When the last athlete finishes, the next card is flipped. Continue until deck is gone. Goal is to finish. Don’t quit.

Hearts = Thrusters  (95/75)
Diamonds = Pull-Ups
Clubs = SDHP (95/75)
Spaids = Box Jumps (24/20)
Joker = 400m Run

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Weighted Pull-Ups
Push Press/Jerk


150 Wall Ball Shots For Time.

Go heavy on the pull-ups and presses/jerks. Always strive for perfect execution/form.

Rumor is, the fine gentleman below stopped by the box yesterday. Remember, we want the intensity because it gets us the greatest return on investment/adaptation. But, this gentleman is not nice, and we don't want him popping up (literally) during or after a workout. We don't get any more benefit when he shows up, and he can be detrimental at times. With that being said, since everyone's okay...........GREAT JOB!

Quote of the Day: "What's Walmart? Do they sell,  like, wall stuff?" - Paris Hilton. (No lie.)

Friday, December 10, 2010


“The Chief”

AMRAP 3 minutes Of:

3 Power Cleans (135)
6 Push-Ups
9 Squats

Then rest 1 minute.

Repeat for 5 Cycles. Score your total number of rounds completed.
(You are performing 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest, and repeating 5 times.)

"You are so wise...you're like a miniature Buddha covered with hair." - Ron Burgundy, to his dog.

Below: 717'rs banging out some L-sits after a run.

Question: What would be a great caption for Scott's facial expression below?

Thursday, December 9, 2010



AMRAP 20 minutes Of:

2 Muscle-Ups
8 KB Swings (2 pood)

"You've got a job to do, and because you've got a job to do, you've got to focus on that, so you don't have time for personal considerations." - Dick Cheney

Let's push it hard today for Nate.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


For Time:

Run 1 Mile
Accumulate 30 sec. of L-Sit Time
Run 800m
Accumulate 1 minute of L-Sit Time
Run 400m
Accumulate 2 minutes of L-Sit Time

Post Times to Comments

"It's hard to beat a person who never gives up." - Babe Ruth

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


AMRAP 15 Minutes

7 Front Squats (10RM weight)
7 Burpee Pull-Ups

"People do not lack strength. They lack will." - Victor Hugo

Monday, December 6, 2010


Power Snatch

50-40-30-20-10 Of:

"The key to change is to let go of fear." - Roseann Cash

Question: What would be an awesome caption for the pic below. Post ideas to the comments section. By the way, great job Scott!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


3 Rounds of:

Power Clean (135/95) 1 minute
1-Arm KB Swing Left (1 pood) 1 minute
1-Arm KB Swing Right (1 pood) 1 minute
GHD Sit-Ups 1 minute
Hip Extensions 1 minute
Rest 1 Minute

Perform Max Reps of Each Exercise During Each Minute. Score as in Fight Gone Bad Format.

"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." - M. Kathleen Casey

Scott B & Kelly



Friday, December 3, 2010



For Time:

21-15-9 reps of:

Thrusters (95/75)

Whatever your motivation is, use it....

Thursday, December 2, 2010



For Time:

Run 1  Mile
Row 1 Mile
Run 1 Mile

Post Times to Comments Section

"The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost all your money." - Bernard Meltzer

Question: Country Music - yes or no? Why?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


20 Sec. Of Work Followed by 10 Sec. of Rest, 8 Rounds Each Of:

Deadlifts (15RM)
Rest 1min.
Rest 1min.
Bent Over Rows (135/95/75/45)
Rest 1min.
Overhead Squats (95/75/45/30/15)

Post Loads and Scores to Comments Section

Kelly & Scott

Tim & Kristen

Jason W, Jared, & Alan

Chris & Mike

"There isn't a person anywhere who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can." - Henry Ford

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


For Time:

Sprint 200m
30 SDHP (100/50)
Sprint 200m
30 Sumo Deadlifts (100/50)
Sprint 200m
30 Ring Dips
Sprint 200m
30 Burpees
Sprint 200m
30 Wall Ball Shots (20lb.)

Question: Sweet potatoes, or yams? Is there a difference?

Monday, November 29, 2010


3 Rounds For Time Of:

5 Tire Flips
10 Push Jerks (135lb.)
15 Ring Pull-Ups
200m Farmer's Carry (1.5 pood)

"One of the greatest pleasures in life is doing what people say you cannot do." - Unknown

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Go do something fun!
Hope you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday and weekend!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


For Time:

30 Squat Cleans (95)
30 Rack (Back) Thrusters (95)
(20 Flutter Kicks when you rest on the thrusters. Resting=dropping the bar only, not pausing with bar resting on back.)
3 Rounds of:
TGU L to standing.
5 Windmills L.
OH KB walk to other side of gym.
Complete the TGU to floor.
TGU R to standing.
5 Windmills R.
OH KB walk back to start.

Scale Loads as Needed.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Complete The Following In Any Order For Time:
100 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 KB Swings (1.5 pood)
100 Double Unders

Thursday, November 25, 2010



5x5 Strict OHP

Rest 5 minutes.

Then 5 Rounds of:
Using 5RM Strict Press Weight, Push Press/Jerk to Failure, followed by 10 KTE. Rest no more than 30 seconds between sets/rounds.

Rest 5 Minutes.

Row 500m
Rest 1 Minute.
Row 500m


Post Loads and Times to Comments Section.