836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Beginner Classes

All new Crossfit athletes will require our CrossFit Beginner Classes. The Beginner program is designed to give a newcomer more individualized coaching in a less competitive atmosphere conducive to learning.

The program is run at a slower pace with about 90% of class time being spent on skill work and education.  This is to provide you with the tools you'll need to be successful in the Crossfit classes.      All sessions include a warm-up, skill-training, and workout.  Nutrition and individualized goal setting will also be explored.  Classes have a limit of 12 attendees.  We attempt to have a 1/6 coach to athlete ratio.

Please note that all new members, unless experienced with CrossFit, must go through the Beginner classes or test out by scheduling one-on-one sessions with a coach.

Private one-on-one
For individuals that need to familiarize themselves with CrossFit movements, but may want to create their own schedule, go at their own pace, or only need a couple refresher sessions. The amount of sessions needed will be determined by both you and the trainer.  The athlete must be able to demonstrate understanding of fundamental movements prior to entry into Crossfit classes.

9 Class Beginner program
Beginners will be on-ramped through the various movements and workouts, seamlessly entering the CrossFit classes well educated and prepared.  

Each Beginner class, a new series of movements will be explained and learned.  90% of the class time is spent learning, with the remaining 10% in a workout scaled to everyone's personal level.  8 sessions are spent in a group atmosphere, with the 9th session being a one-on-one with a coach to go over goals, any questions, and the next steps in CrossFit.

The 8 Beginner classes are good for 1 month.  We encourage Beginners to strive for 3 classes a week.