836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Box Open Sunday 1/23 10am-1pm


Dan has informed me that as an attempt to make up for the missed workout today, he will be at the box tomorrow from 10am to 1pm for anyone that wants to do a WOD. (Yes he WILL be there!!)  He will also be there to do burpees from anyone that was inconvenienced today as his penance.

**There will be NO 6:30am class on Monday 1/24**

1 comment:

  1. Sunday

    "Filthy 50"
    50 reps of each, in this order, for Time:
    Box jumps (24/20")
    Jumping Pullups
    Kettlebell swings (1pd/.5)
    walking lunge
    Knee to Elbows
    Push Presses (45lb bar/25lbs)
    Back extensions
    Wall Ball Shots (20lb/14lb)
    Double Unders (or 4x single unders)

    Tiff 39:23
    Erin 37:55 (SU's)
    Rob 44:05 Rx
    Deb 31:46 Rx
    Scott 12:53 (Filthy 15)
    Kristen 25:41 (Nancy) 5rds-400mRun/55lb OHsquat
    Dave 35:50 Scaled
    Rich 36:42 RX
    Lefty (Hudson) 22:53 Scaled but badass
    Dan 26:33 Rx
