836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Thursday, May 26, 2011


With a 30 minute time cap:

Bench Press 5x5
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 5x5
*Rest as needed between sets.
*In between sets, mix in GHD Sit-Ups and GHD Extensions.
*Perform 5 sets of 8-10 reps each (sit-ups and extensions). Hold a weight if able on the extensions. Use a weight that only allows you to get 8-10 reps.

Then For 10 Minutes: "Deck of Cards"
*The athletes will be given a shuffled deck of cards by the coach. Athletes will divide the cards up equally among themselves.
*One at a time in a round-robin fashion, athletes will flip a card. The entire group performs the prescribed exercise for the number of repetitions on the card. Before going on to the next card/exercise, the entire group must finish. Immediately flip the next card to begin the next exercise once the last person finishes (so your rest time equals the time you finish until the last athlete finishes).
*Move continuously for the 10 minutes.
*Prescribed exercises are below:
Hearts = Burpees (Because we all LOVE burpees)
Diamonds = Sit-Ups
Spades = Air Squats
Clubs = L-Holds (hold x sec. for the number on the card - i.e. for the 8 of clubs, hold for 8 seconds)

Optional Endurance WOD

For Time:

3 Rounds Of:
800m Run
Row the amount of time it took you to run your previous 800m.

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