Crossfit Open
We have decided to nominate Jason Kofmehl as our Crossfit Games Open Affiliate Manager (long title) for Crossfit 717. He will have the final say on judging, submitting scores, and organizing athletes and events.Jay has showed his loyalty and dedication time and time again to not only Crossfit 717, but to every one of its athletes. He's extremely meticulous, thorough, and devoted, and can assure a successful Crossfit Open season for us. We know he'll do a great job. Thanks Jason for taking this on!!
It's still not too late to join. Jason can walk you through any questions you have. He already has a FB group going for our Open Athletes. You have until Sunday to compete against the rest of the world. Why are you holding back?
Starting next week, we will be hosting an "Open Only" class at 5pm on Fridays. This class is ONLY for the open athletes. More to come.
Better Body Challenge
The Better Body Challenge result are finally done. Thanks to Jamie Chrispen and Hobbs for making this whole event possible! Congratulations to all the athletes that fulfilled all the requirements!!The spreadsheet with all the results and pictures will be available in the box. We won't advertise your final results to the world without your permission, but everyone should be really proud of themselves.
Remember, the top three men and women walk away with prizes. You are the judges. We'll be taking votes until next Friday, when the winner will be announced. Leave your votes in the "Best of the Box" mailbox, with your name on the bottom. Votes will be kept confidential. You can only vote if you participated.
Last but not least....
Keep Aldo in your thoughts today as he's going into surgery to get his knee scoped. Good luck man, you'll be back in the squat in no time.
Muscle Ups (take two)
"Grace" or "Isabel"
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