836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Jamie and Dan will be doing BF% checks tomorrow during Open Gym for the BB Challenge II.  Please bring your entry fee ($5) with you.  Like last year, the winner of the BB Challenge will walk away with prizes, included cash, hence the registration fee.

The Sealfit WOD starts at 9am sharp. I posted the WOD on Wednesday.  Again, this will be an athlete run WOD, with no instruction besides the guy/gal beside you.  Warning: There is a certain (high) level of conditioning needed to take this on.  Have fun.

Teams of 4 complete for time:
200m Prowler push loaded with entire teams weight (230)
*Members A and B will be pushing prowler 25m, while C and D will OH carry barbells 25m.  Members A and B will then unload weight off of prowler for C and D to complete the following
Thrusters (135/95)
*Members will then unload weight from barbell and load on Prowler.  Members A and B will OH carry barbell 25m while C and D push prowler 25m.  Members C and D will then unload weight off of prowler for A and B to complete the following
Thrusters (135/95)

*There will be a total of 8 stops, each at 25m marks, totaling 200m.
Stops 1,2:
Thrusters (135/95)

Stops 3,4:
Over Head Squats (135/95)
Bar Hops

Stops 5,6:
Deadlifts (135/95)

Stops 7,8:
Push Press (135/95)
Box Jumps

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