BB Challenge II Day 19
Reminder: Another Swim WOD will be held this Saturday at 7AM. Please sign up on Zenplanner.
Upcoming Events
We'll be switching to a Winter schedule soon. With all the kiddos back in school (including all you teachers) the midday classes are just not filling the need. We're tossing around the idea of a 7:30am class and a 4:30pm class. We would be dropping the 8:15am class and the 11:45pm class.
Soon, a CrossFit Lite class will be appearing on the schedule. We'll be making the 6:15am class a pilot project. There will be less Snatch Balances and Muscle Ups and more Pushups and Wallballs. CrossFit Lite will be the middle ground between Beginner and CrossFit, oriented towards individuals looking to improve their fitness and lose weight without having to do Handstand Pushups to achieve that goal.
It's been a long time dream for Aldo to have a middle ground class. We believe now is a good of time as any to roll with it.
My dream (Dan) is to have some more sport specific classes available for you. Along with my goal of having a Olympic lifting only class, and eventually a team, I want to open up the doors to Hebe to train potential Triathletes and Scott Z. to train swimmers. Crossfit Develops amazing athletes, and these classes will only enhance your level of awesomeness.
We're excited about the opportunities coming our way, and feel all our coaches and our members are as excited as we are. Please let us know your feedback and opinion.
8x2 Floor Press, climbing
5x5 Pendlay row, across
*see video below
12 Minutes:
Odd: 4 Strict Press @ 70%
Even: ME Pullups
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