836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Hobbit/ Hero WOD

The Birthday boy himself dropping some knowledge at the Beginners class. 

Hobbit, also known by some people as Scott, will be celebrating his 29th birthday today.  Hobbit's been a great help with the Beginner program, a never ending ambassador of fun, and overall, a great friend to all of us.  Happy Birthday brother. 

Stop by Healy's house this afternoon for Hobb's birthday celebration.  There will be food, beer, and festivities.   

The WOD will be two-fold today.  At 9am and 10am, we will be doing a Hero WOD.  This Hero WOD has special meaning to one of our Crossfitters, Carmen.  His home box will be holding a fundraising memorial workout today as well, and we are honored to be part of it.  We will be accepting donations for the Stoddard Memorial Scholarship Fund and Disposable Hero Project.

At 11am the box will change gears and start to celebrate the Hobbs Birthday early.  We'll be holding our very first Hooverball tournament.  Hobbs has been begging to play Hooverball since we first met, and knew it was the only WOD he wanted on his birthday.  So come out, Do the Hero WOD, and stay for a game of Hooverball. 

9am and 10am WOD


50 Box jumps (24/20)
40 KB swings (1.5/1)
30 Med-ball cleans (20/14)
20 Shoulder to OH (95/65)
10 Tire Burpees*
20 Shoulder to OH
30 Med-ball cleans
40 KB swings
50 Box Jumps

*Perform a burpee in front of tire, jump on tire, then jump in middle of tire, jump back on tire, jump off = 1 rep

Sergeant First Class James Stoddard, 29, was killed in action on Sept. 30th 2005, when his Humvee rolled over en route to a firefight outside Kandahar, Afghanistan.  Stoddard was bases in Fort Bragg, N.C., 2nd Battalion, 504 Parachute Infantry Regiment - 82nd Airborne.

Sergeant Stoddard is survived by his wife Amy, his daughters, Megan Mackenzie, and his son James J. Stoddard III. 

11am WOD


The game is similar to volleyball, but is played with a Med-ball.  The losing team must do a WOD of the winner's choice at the end.  It's a great workout and a good time.

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