Registration for the Crossfit Games 2012 Open begins today, with the first WOD on Feb 22nd.
If you ordered a CF717 sweatshirt, they arrived. Come and pick it up at during your next class.
If you haven't noticed, the classes are filling up. To make it easier for the next class to get started, please remember to put your equipment back where you got it. We're constantly searching for a bigger and better box for you guys so jogging around 5 people to get to your pullup bar won't be so much of a hassle.
Did you do the Best of the Box challenge for this week (upper left hand column). I have my money on Jason K. being able to get over 50 with one arm... just my thoughts.
February is the beginning of the Committed Club. Entry will be allowed at the end of the month if you acquired over 15 days of attendance to the CF classes. So please remember to reserve your spot in Zenplanner and sign in once you get to class. Benefits of the C-club include entries into competitions, skill focused c-club only classes, and individual programming. All you have to do is walk through that door more than 15 days a month.
This weekend is the St. V-days Massacre at CF Hershey. The WODs have been released for the Scaled and Rx'd divisions. If you're not competing, try and make it out to cheer our guys and gals on. We're still looking for a couple judges. If you're available, please let Dan know.
Jerk (Split or Push)
Find a 1RM
AMRAP in 12:
10 OHS (135/95) (Scale=55% of 1RM)
Run small block (approx 175m)
*If raining, do 25 DU's.
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