From the Mid-Atlantic Hopper FB page
Registration opens [today]! Links to register will be posted here and on the CrossFit BWI website,
We expect to sell out very quickly. Don't delay in signing up! If you
don't get in, you can register for the wait list. Teams who wish to be
wait listed must contact
The cost per individual is $100 and includes one spectator/coach pass.
The cost per team
The cost per individual is $100 and includes one spectator/coach pass.
The cost per team
is $400 and includes 2 spectator/coach passes. Teams will be comprised
of 3 men and 3 women and limited to 25 teams. Only one team per gym is
allowed. Team captains must contact with shirt
sizes by September 1st to guarantee the sizes they want.
The elite division will be limited to 20 men and 20 women.
The masters division will be limited to 10 men and 10 women.
The open division is open to 60 individuals, men or women.
Refunds are limited to 50% until September 1st. There will be no refunds given after September 1st. Be sure that you can compete in the division for which you register.
The elite division will be limited to 20 men and 20 women.
The masters division will be limited to 10 men and 10 women.
The open division is open to 60 individuals, men or women.
Refunds are limited to 50% until September 1st. There will be no refunds given after September 1st. Be sure that you can compete in the division for which you register.
Push/Split Jerk 6x1 climbing in weight
Front Squat
6x2 @ 98%
Double Unders (scale: bar hops)
*achieve full range of motion on situps. Shoulder blades touching floor at bottom and torso 90° or more at top.
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