Registration for the Mid-Atlantic Hopper is this Friday at 12pm. This event always sells out quick, so if you're planning on joining a team this year, we have to figure it out today. Individual competitors cost is $100, and a team is $400. It's an extremely well organized event and was worth the money in the past years. Go onto the CF717 Hopper page and let's begin to organize the teams. Once I know who signs up, we will begin organizing the details and programming.
CF Endurance WOD
Hill sprints, after the WOD.
We will use the alley. Start easy and progressively get faster to where the alley starts to pitch up and start to sprint from there until right before the end of the alley. (Do not run out onto Market St. Walk to bottom and repeat. If the last run/row is greater than five minutes, then scale back to three hill sprints.
4 Rounds for time with a two minute rest between rounds.
This is an all-out very fast effort. Emphasis is on speed and power. Rower on 8 for men 5 for women.
400m run
400m row
6 Power cleans L3 135/95, L2 115/75, L1 95/50
Each round will flip flop the run/row
1) run, row, clean
2) row, run, cean
3) run, row, clean
4) row, run, clean
This will stress the body very differently when cleans follow a row vs. a run.
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