We've had tons of requests about locker rentals, and will be opening a select # to be rented for $10/mo. Talk to one of the coaches about adding the option to your account.
CrossFit Endurance
4x6:00 minutes
Athletes will run for 3:00, and then turn around. We will
use the flat mile course. You MUST make it back to the start line by 6:00.There
is four minutes rest between sets. For EVERY SECOND you are late you will owe
FIVE burpees on the spot.
The goal of this workout is to ingrain finishing speed, even
when tired. You control the pace, if you want to go VERY SLOW, EVEN WALK, THE
FIRST THREE MINUTES THAT IS FINE. You only need to make it back to the start
line in less time.
Mobility (after WOD)
5 rounds, each for time:
50m prowler push (140/90)
175m Sprint
2 Deadlifts (335/225)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
1 Rope Climb
~Rest as needed between rounds.
*Compare to May 16, 2012. If your 80% of DL is within 15lbs up or down of Rx, then do Rx. If your 80% is more than 15lbs above Rx, then go with your 80%. If it's more than 15lbs below Rx, then go to L2.
5 Rounds, each for time:
50m Prowler push (90/45)
175m Sprint
2 Deadlifts (245/165) (70% or 1rm)
12 Box Jumps (20/16)
1 Rope Climb
~rest as needed
*Same 15lbs rule apply from above, but your using 70%
5 Rounds, Each for time:
50m Prowler push (45/Sled)
175m Sprint
2 Deadlifts (BW/75% of BW)
12 Box Jumps (16/12)
3 rope progressions
~rest as needed