"Endure for a Cure" was an amazing event! I'd like to seriously thank all the volunteers, sponsors, and CrossFit Community for getting involved in this. All said and done, we raised over $6,000 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation!!
Here are the winners from that night...
Top Rx Male: Tim from CF Hershey
Top Rx Female: Shannon from CF Hershey
Prettiest in Pink: Sarah from CF 717
Best Snatch of the Night: Mike Jenkins with a 300lbs Power Snatch!
Top Pullups: Brian C. and Mason (tied) from 717
Top Double Unders: Kelly from 717
Also, I'll be featuring one of the Sponsors per day. Please visit their sites, and find them on Facebook and give them a Thumbs up. They were a huge part of this event!
Spend 5 minutes before and after on Hip and Shoulder Mobility
15 minutes to find
5-3-3-2-2-2-2rm OHS
*No more, no less sets than written to find your 2rm. Plan accordingly.
*If shoulder mobility keeps you from going heavy on an OHS, then sub in a FS.
10 minutes
Muscle Snatch
5x3 across, 55-65% of 1RM Power Snatch
9 UB Thrusters (Fran Weight)
6 Box Jumps
3 Hang Power Cleans
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