Happy Birthday Tim M.!!
Here is one of your suggestions from the 1st Qtr 2013 Survey. We'll try and find an efficient way of providing the previous days Whiteboard, either here or on Facebook. We'll wait until we get more surveys back, and release some of the data and suggestions. Great stuff so far though, keep them coming!!
Max 1 Minute rest between sets:
6x2 Muscle Up
-Perform 3 ring dips after MU set.
Post WOD
4x15 Barbell/Dumbell Curls
4x20 Russian KB Swing
-Sets performed unbroken.
10 Curtis P's (155/115)
2 Push Up (clapping)
8 Curtis P's
4 Push Up
6 Curtis P's
6 Push Up
4 Curtis P's
8 Push Up
2 Curtis P's
10 Push Up
CrossFit Endurance
10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 min rows
2 minutes between sets
Pace per 500 should get faster each set. After final 2 minute set rest 3 minutes, then1 minute all-out.
My two favorite skills!!! Should be a fun one. -Tim