Check out 717 for an awesome write up about the Hopper weekends events.
Here is Kelly in the final workout on Sunday. Only the top 10 men and women were allowed to compete!
The weight used was 135 for the entire WOD. After 4 WODs in a little over 24 hours, your body is pretty beat up. He did an outstanding job. We're proud of you Kelly!
Look for this workout this week if the rain holds up!
The video may not be entirely work/children safe. This video is full of screaming and yelling, cursing and moaning. So turn down the volume if your around other people.
Here is Kelly in the final workout on Sunday. Only the top 10 men and women were allowed to compete!
The weight used was 135 for the entire WOD. After 4 WODs in a little over 24 hours, your body is pretty beat up. He did an outstanding job. We're proud of you Kelly!
Look for this workout this week if the rain holds up!
The video may not be entirely work/children safe. This video is full of screaming and yelling, cursing and moaning. So turn down the volume if your around other people.
3 sets of 8 at 70% 1rm
AMRAP in 10 min. of: 7 Push Presses 135 lbs
7 Push Ups
7 Box Jumps 20"
After WOD, do 2 sets of 10 GHD situps and 10 T2B
Great to see that video, nice job Kelly. My friggin hands are sweating just watchng it sitting here at work!