836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

100 days of Handstand Push up Challenge - Day #2

Dan and Aldo dropped a challenge on each other yesterday, and would like to extend it to the rest of the box. 

100 Days of HSPU

Day 1= 1 HSPU
Day 2= 2 HSPU
All the way to 100.

We'll reach 100 days on September 15th. 

Once the numbers get higher, i.e. Day 70, the HSPU's can be broken up thoughout the day.  As long as all the HSPU's are completed for that day, it doesn't matter.  If a WOD has HSPU's in it, it will count towards that days tally.  If you miss a day, you have to make up for it the following day.  The honor system is in place here.  If your in, your in until you can't make up the work.  

So as we stand right now, we're on Day 2.  Who's with us?