836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The "Other" Total
1RM Clean
1RM Bench
1RM OH Squat

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

CF Games Open

WOD 2 will be released tonight!  Check the CF Games website around 8pm. 

BB Challenge

Sean has posted a new article in his blog.
on Station 717

Congrats to Fiore for getting his first Muscle-Up yesterday.  He came in the morning determined to get one before he left.  He's an outstanding athlete, and after the BB Challenge, set defined goals with concrete dates.  Yesterday was his day to cross one off the list, and he did it easily.  

Focus on a weakness, have confidence in your abilities, and make it happen through practice and dedication.  Great job Fiore!!

10 Sledgehammer swings 
5x5 each side
25m Prowler push between sets (6-45's, 4-45's)

10 T2B
3 Tire flips
Wall Climb
400m Run

Monday, February 27, 2012

Coming this May
As Promised...

We'd like to introduce the new Crossfit 717!!
7000sqft of Wod'n bliss.  Locker room with showers. A gigantic parking lot.  Awesomeness included.

Just a short walk up our favorite hill to Market Street.  You guys asked for more room, so here it is.  Thank you for making this possible!  The community we have here is unbelievable, and you guys deserve the best.

CF Games Open

One week and one mean WOD to start the Open has passed.  22 of you guys put up fantastic scores.  Currently, Kara is 13th out of over 1700 female competitors in the Mid-atlantic region!!!  Travis and Kelly are tied for 64th.  The top 60 Men and Women and top 30 teams make it to the Regionals!  The Crossfit 717 team is currently 29th in the region.

Keep up the good work everyone.  Again, tap Jason K. on the back the next time you see him for managing everything so well.  Thanks again Jay.

New Certs

Can you spot our guy at the CF Level 1 Certification?
(Yeah he's wearing pink, but he cooks a mean prime rib!)

Congrats Bob G!!

Also, Dan got his USAW Level 1 Coaching Cert.  Who's ready to Snatch something?

BB Challenge

Remember to vote for the top Guy and Gal.  Submissions will be taken until this Saturday, and winners announced on Monday, 5 March.

Best of the Box
This week:  Unbroken Double unders

Strict weighted pullups
Strict weighted ring dips

3 rounds for time:
12 KB Power Snatches R (2/1.5)
6 mountain Climber pullups
12 KB Snatches L
6 Ring Dips
*Rx+ Muscle-Up into 1st ring dip.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

 Maria has a great start to the Crossfit Games Open.  She grinded out 106 Burpees in 7 minutes!!!

The deadline for submitting your score is tomorrow at 9pm.  It's still not too late to sign up!!  Please contact Jason Kofmehl on Facebook after you registered.  He'll be in the box this weekend as well.

I know everyone asked for more legs this week, so here ya go.  The box is has been looking stronger than ever.  Keep at it!

Box step-ups with loaded barbell @ 25%, 50%, or 75% of bodyweight
5-5-5-3-3 each leg

Football Gone Bad
3 one minute rounds for time:
  1. DB Thrusters 45 lbs (sub in barbell with 95/65)
  2. Box Jumps 20" box
  3. Push Ups
  4. Double Unders
  5. Calorie Row
*Rest 1 minute between rounds
**In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Friday, February 24, 2012

 Crossfit Open
We have decided to nominate Jason Kofmehl as our Crossfit Games Open Affiliate Manager (long title) for Crossfit 717.  He will have the final say on judging, submitting scores, and organizing athletes and events.

Jay has showed his loyalty and dedication time and time again to not only Crossfit 717, but to every one of its athletes.  He's extremely meticulous, thorough, and devoted, and can assure a successful Crossfit Open season for us.  We know he'll do a great job.  Thanks Jason for taking this on!!

It's still not too late to join.  Jason can walk you through any questions you have.  He already has a FB group going for our Open Athletes.  You have until Sunday to compete against the rest of the world.  Why are you holding back?

Starting next week, we will be hosting an "Open Only" class at 5pm on Fridays.  This class is ONLY for the open athletes.  More to come.

 Better Body Challenge
The Better Body Challenge result are finally done.  Thanks to Jamie Chrispen and Hobbs for making this whole event possible!  Congratulations to all the athletes that fulfilled all the requirements!!

The spreadsheet with all the results and pictures will be available in the box.  We won't advertise your final results to the world without your permission, but everyone should be really proud of themselves.

Remember, the top three men and women walk away with prizes.  You are the judges.  We'll be taking votes until next Friday, when the winner will be announced.  Leave your votes in the "Best of the Box" mailbox, with your name on the bottom.  Votes will be kept confidential. You can only vote if you participated.

Last but not least....

Keep Aldo in your thoughts today as he's going into surgery to get his knee scoped.  Good luck man, you'll be back in the squat in no time.

Muscle Ups (take two)

"Grace" or "Isabel"

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Crossfit Games Open is now officially under way!!

The first Open WOD was released yesterday, and you have until Sunday to submit your results. 

As many burpees as possible in 7 minutes

It's not too late to enter.  Get over to http://games.crossfit.com/ and register!


5 Rounds For Time:
200 Meter Run
20 Pull Ups
200 Meter Run
20 Push Ups
200 Meter Run
20 Sit Ups
200 Meter Run
20 Squats 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The first WOD of the Crossfit Games Open will be released today!  If you haven't joined the worldwide showdown for the fittest man and woman on earth, go to the Crossfit Games website now and register.  

If you're ready to hit the Open WOD this week, go onto our FB page and post when you would like to get it done.  Do you want to do it solo?  Did you want to have other athletes competing at the same time??  Let us know. 

The results of the BB Challenge are being tallied now.  Thank you for your patience, we'll have the numbers out soon.

Behind the neck split Jerks

6 rounds:
6 DL's @75% of 1RM
50m sprint forwards
50m sprint backwards
8 Burpee Pullups

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

HSPU's on the minute for 10 minutes

1 Rope Climb
100 Foot Walking Lunge
10 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95)
10 Slam Balls 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sean Ireland got a new celebrity Beyond the Athlete in on Station 717!!
Beyond the Athlete: Chris Spealler

What is Fitness?
Crossfits Ten Components of Fitness:
  1. Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance – The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.
  2. Stamina - The ability of the body to process, store, deliver, and utilize energy.
  3. Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply force.
  4. Flexibility - The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.
  5. Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time.
  6. Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
  7. Agility - The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern to another.
  8. Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
  9. Balance - The ability to control the placement of the bodies’ center of gravity in relation to its’ support base.
  10. Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.

This weeks Best of the Box Challenge:
Standing on one foot, hold weight overhead for max time: 45#, 25#
(This should be interesting)

Back Squats 60%x5, 70x5, 80x3, 90x3, 90x3, 90x3

Every 30 seconds
Complete 3 chin-ups and perform max back squats (75/55).

The goal is to complete 100 total squats. scaling is 75, 50, 25 for reps, and 20-25% of 1RM BS.
*Every 30 seconds perform 3 Chin-ups, for the rest of the 30 seconds perform as many back squats as you can during the time period. At the next 30 seconds perform 3 chin-ups and then max back squats and so on until you reach 100 total back squats and so on.
Post total time it took to complete 100 back squats.
*No racks.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Open Gym

Open Gym hours have permanently changed to 10am-2pm. 

Today and tomorrow are the last days to get the BBChallenge WOD's in. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday night Team WOD

Thanks to everyone for coming out to the Team WOD last night..  It was a grueling thirty minutes that involved tons of skill, strength, and coordination on your part.  Your athleticism is truly something to be proud about.

Plus, there's nothing like finishing a WOD and having a feast ready to go.  We can't thank Bob G. enough for everything he does for the Box.  The 18lb Prime Rib was a Paleo dream.  Thanks Bob!!!

21 KB swings (2/1.5)
21 v-ups
21 DL's @ BW
800m Run
15 KB
15 v's
15 DL's
400m Run
9 KB
9 v's
9 DL's
200m Run

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Team WOD is tonight at 630pm! 

2 Push Presses on the minute for 10 Minutes @ 95% of 1RM Press.
(Everyone pulls from floor)

In teams of two, 6 rounds of:
Short Block Sprint (approx 175m)
3 Tire Flips
Abmat Situps/Ring Dips

*This is not the Team WOD for tonights class. 
*321...Go, the 1st athlete runs around the block, does three tire flips, while the other is attempting to accumulate as many Abmat situps as possible before the 2nd athletes return.  They then verbally exchange reps accomplished, and the 2nd athlete takes off out the door to sprint the short block beginning the 2nd athletes first round.  The first three (or six as a team) rounds will be Abmat situps, and the last three (or six as a team) will be ring dips. 


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Team WOD tomorrow at 630pm!

The highly controversial Post 30 Day BB Challenge Team WOD will be throwing down tomorrow.  Even if you didn't partake in the Challenge, you're more than welcome to come join us for an awesome WOD and festivity afterward.  We'll have the box available all night after the WOD to eat and BS.  

I posted a final BF% sign up spreadsheet on the BBChallenge group FB page.  Please go on and sign up to have your final BF% check done.  If your not in the group, just shoot me a message and I can add you.

If you still need your check done by Jamie C., please contact me.  She has limited availability, but is willing to work with anyone so they are still in the running.  All the BBChallenge WOD's can be completed during any of the classes.  Please complete them prior to close of business Sunday.

Thanks to Chris Daily who made an awesome spreadsheet that spits out the ideal weights for CFT.  Check it out on the BBChallenge group FB page.

 20 Minute AMRAP:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Strength (after WOD)
GHD raises 5x5
T2B 5x as many as possible (no kip)
Windmills 5x5 each arm

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Better Body Challenge

Congratulations to all the BB Challenge participants that made it through the 30 day Better Body Challenge!!!

Check out the: Next 30 Days Part 1
Written by Sean Ireland, on Station 717.

Now we just have to wrap things up by getting your WODs and BF% checks done.  Dan will be at the Box this morning at all the classes, and Jamie will available TODAY ONLY.  If you haven't signed up on the BB Challenge group FB page, please contact her or Dan to schedule something.  Remember, DO NOT WOD before your BF check.  This will give us a false reading.

Dan will be at the box at 5pm to grab a couple BF checks, but is not available the rest of the night.  I will be posting a spreadsheet for tomorrow and Friday so everyone can grab a spot.

Remember that the Team Post BB Challenge Team WOD (anyone is invited provided you're a member of 717) is this Friday at 630pm.  We have the box the rest of the night!  Please bring whatever your heart desires to share with everyone.  Your favorite Paleo dish, your favorite Cheat Day snack... Whatever goes!

2k Row (all out effort)
Snatch work

Power Snatch (135/85)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 30

This is the last day of the BB Challenge.  What happens from here?  Well, hopefully you read yesterdays post about getting the BF checks and WOD's done.  We want to have EVERYTHING complete before the end of day Sunday.  

Today's question to ponder... What happens tomorrow?  Day 31?  Are you going to stick with it?  Or was this just a challenge for you.  You have all day to think about it, but, if you made it the past 30 days, whats another 30? 

 A couple new training tools

Huge thanks goes out to Hobb's and Dan Healy for helping out on their Saturday afternoon.  I'd also like to thank Carmen for the molds,  LaMarco for the tools, and Aldo, Sean, and Healy (again) for cleaning up the mess we left behind. The concrete is still setting, so give it another week before giving the 255lb a try.

OH Squat

As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 minutes Of:
5 Jerks (115/85)
5 Front Squats (115/85)
12 Lateral Jumps over bar
12 KB Swings

Monday, February 13, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 29

Two days until the BB Challenge is officially over.  So far 12 athletes have signed up to have their BF% rechecked by Jamie C.  She has Tuesday night and Wednesday available.  If you haven't reserved your spot, please go onto "Crossfit717 Better Body" Facebook page and look for the Google spreadsheet.  You must get the BF% check redone by the same person or it won't be as accurate.

Remember, to be eligible for the prizes, you must get all the requirements in, which include: BF% check #2, The Post WOD's, and a "After" picture.  Do your CFT after a rest day this week to maximize results.  Shoot us an email if you have any trouble making this time limit.  We'll work with you. 

We're all really stoked about this!  Just looking around the box we can tell a difference.  This Fridays Team WOD will be at 630!!  Hope everyone can make it to celebrate!

Great turnout and awesome information from Paul Erwin at this weekends Mobility Clinic!!  

Again, Please be careful around the stone molds.  The concrete is still setting, and we want to put these bad boys to use in the very near future.

-This weeks Best of the Box Challenge-
Max Effort T2B
Athlete attempts max reps of toes to bar.  Both feet must touch bar with a full extension when returning to the bottom.  Kipping or strict.  When you fall off the bar, you're done.  No assistance, i.e. straps, allowed.


For Time:
  • 10 Handstand push-ups
  • 250 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
  • 25 Box jumps, 30 inch box
  • 50 Pull-ups
  • 100 Wallball shots, 20 pounds, 10'
  • 200 Double-unders
  • Run 400 meters with a 45lb plate

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 28

Open Gym today from 10-2pm.

Please be careful around the stone molds. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 26

If you guys haven't already, reserve your spot for Pauls Mobility Clinic tomorrow from 9-12.  There are no normal classes tomorrow.  All are encouraged to attend this.  Knowing how to take care of yourself is a huge part to long term success in Crossfit.  Nagging shoulders and tight hips are welcome.

On March 10th, Mike Mckenna from Mckenna's Gym (go figure) will be coming to 717 to put on a Olympic Lifting Seminar.  Mark your calendars.  If you have the urge to compete in the next meet or think your Grace time should be better, you'll come out to this.  Free for all our members, $10 Guest entry fee.

*Remember, 2.2 Kilogram = 1 Pound (thanks for correction Anonymous)

Check this out...  I think Hobbs is close.

Alternate between Bench Press and Pendlay Row.

*Squeeze in your Max Parallette L-Sit for the Best of the Box Challenge.

16 Min AMRAP of:
Row 250
Walking Lunges (wall to wall and back)
15 Wallballs
1 Rope Climb

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 25

Thanks to Dan "F'n" Healy and Daily for crawling up in the ceiling to secure the rings and ropes!!

Huge thanks to Chris Lamarco for spending his Sunday morning helping us out. You too Boggsy.

All BB Challenge participants that had their first BF% check done by Jamie, please go onto the Challenge FB page and reserve your spot on the Google spreadsheet to get your final BF%.  She will be available next Tuesday at the 630 class and all the classes on Wednesday.

Remember to reserve your spot for the Mobility Clinic this Saturday from 9-12 with Paul.  Free to all members at 717.  Guest entry will be $10.

-Kipping HSPU
-Kipping K2E/T2B

3 Rounds for Max Reps of:
1 minute Overhead Squats (95,65)
1 minute Burpees
1 minute Toes To Bar
Score is total reps accumulated in three rounds

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 24

Our athletes are not...
Skinny Fat By C. Plentus

-Snatch Complex-
3 Snatch DL's (to above knee cap)
3 Hang Power Snatches
3 Snatch push presses
3 OH Squats

Double Under DT:
Five rounds for time of:
30 Double Unders
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

* Scaling is 60% of Power Clean 1RM

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Todd!!/Better Body Challenge Day 23

The BB Challenge is nearly over!! 
The tentative schedule is to end the Challenge on Wednesday, February 15th.  If you had your BF% check done by Jamie C., she will be available that Tuesday and Wednesday.  Dan will be available all day Wednesday.  It's important to get the check redone by the same person.  We'll be doing the baseline WODs that week, and Friday will be the Team WOD.  All the %'s and Pics will be compiled that weekend, and posted the following week to determine the winner!

Congrats to Kelly and Bekah, who got 2nd and 3rd in the Rx Division!!!

I almost forgot to thank the support network our athletes had at the competition.  From judging (Deb, Jamie C., Justin, Daily, Boggs, Paul, and Hobbit) to all the cheering fans in the crowd.  Dan Healy even brought a massage table to work out some tight lower backs even though he was in the competition.  Samantha Keller was there the entire day taking amazing pictures, and even used her EMT skills on a fallen athlete.  Our community is by far the best.  We couldn't do it without you!

The first WOD was counted technically as two.  If a competitor came in 1st, they had a score of 100, 2nd was 95, 3rd was 90, and so on.  DNF got zero.

Reminder that the Crossfit Games Open starts this month.  If you enjoyed competing this past weekend, or want to give it a shot, sign up.  We'll be gathering with other boxes on occasion to do the WOD's together to get the competition vibe going.  There's nothing to lose.  See how you stack up against Rich Froning Jr. and Annie Thorisdottir (Worlds strongest man and women, Crossfit Games 2011)

20 minutes easy jog

"Tabata This"

Tabata Intervals ( 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times) is applied in turn to the Squat, Rower, Pullups, Sit-ups, and Push-ups with a one minute rotation break between exercises. Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals. During the one minute rotation time allowed the clock is not stopped but kept running. The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 22

Even after 3 grueling WOD's at the St. V's Massacre, the 717 athletes are still smiling.  
The coaches couldn't be more proud of you all.  Fantastic job.  More to come on the details later.

Congrats to "Double Unders Karen P." for winning the Best of the Box!

This weeks Challenge is Max time L-sit hold.
*using parallettes, the athlete must maintain an L-sit for max time.  A 45lb rubber plate must be under their extended feet.  Once Butt hits floor or feet hit plate, the clock is stopped.

"Lumberjack 20"
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)
Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)
Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)
Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24")
Run 400m
20 KB Squat Cleans (1.5/1pd each arm)
Run 400m

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Open Gym

Open Gym from 10-2 today.  Come on out before hitting up those Superbowl wings too hard. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

St. V's Massacre/Better Body Challenge Day 20

Today is the St. Valentines Day Massacre Throwdown at Crossfit Hershey!!!

We have a ton of competitors going over today to compete, including: Sandi Strobel, Dan Healy, Erin Pryor, Travis Tufte, Kara Shiffer, April Meehleder, Maria Bruno, Carmen Toscano, Kelly Hollinger, The Todd Shirley, Bekah Hynson, Jordann Smith, "Double Unders" Karen Polenskey, Stephanie Cesare, Jason Weller, Tim Blasco, Matt Glinn, and of course, the star of the show, Jennifer Eby.
(I apologize if I -Dan- forgot anyone)
Registration for athletes begin at 8am, and the ladies scaled division WOD 1 will go off at 9am. 
There are around 100 people signed up to compete in this event!!  Please come out and cheer us on or lend a hand.  There's a good possibility there will be a group drink afterwards, time and place will be announced on FB and Twitter.

Crossfit Hershey Directions

Nina and Fiore are also doing the Polar Plunge today on City Island to help raise money for the Special Olympics.  I think I'd rather to Fran, but it's for an amazing cause.  Have fun today today!!

We decided to cancel the 11am Crossfit Class this morning so everyone can get over to the Throwdown.  There is still a 9am Beginner class, 10am Crossfit Class.  Tomorrow will be Open Gym from 10-2.  

Good luck to all our athletes today!!

Snatch- practice practice practice.  Hobbs is coaching this morning, and if you want to get good with the Olympic lifts, He's your man.

5 Rounds for Time:
5 Tire Flips
10 Burpee Pullups
25 DU's

Friday, February 3, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 19

You ready for this weekend?!?

We have around 15 people competing this weekend in the St. V's Massacre throwdown at Hershey.  There's something about competing that brings out the best in us.  Everyone, from 1st place to last, walks way thinking they could have gone a second faster or got one more rep.  It's never about winning, but being surrounded by people who you know are going at 100% intensity.

If you missed the chance to sign up for this one, there will be more down the road.  The Crossfit Games Open starts February 22nd.  This is another chance to get involved in what the Crossfit community, you guys, have made.  It's now a sport, because of you.

Sign up, do the workouts, post the results, and be a part of one of the worlds biggest tournaments.

Good luck to all our athletes competing tomorrow.  Relax today, eat well, and sleep good tonight.  
5 sets of:
30 second L-sit followed by 5 ring dips

10 KB Swings (2/1.5)
14 Ball slams
18 Box Jumps

-15 second L-sit

20 KB Swings (2/1.5)
28 Ball slams
36 Box Jumps

-15 Second L-sit

10 KB Swings (2/1.5)
14 Ball slams
18 Box Jumps

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 18

By Josh Bunch, Practice Crossfit

Handstand Pushups (strict and kipping)
then three attempts to find max standing broad jump.

4 Rounds for time:
100m farmers carry (2pd/1.5)
8 Power Cleans (155/105) (Use 65%+ for scale)
250m sprint with plate (45/25)
8 Power Cleans

*250m sprint is uphill to stop sign and back.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Better Body Challenge Day 17

Registration for the Crossfit Games 2012 Open begins today, with the first WOD on Feb 22nd.

If you ordered a CF717 sweatshirt, they arrived.  Come and pick it up at during your next class.

If you haven't noticed, the classes are filling up. To make it easier for the next class to get started, please remember to put your equipment back where you got it.  We're constantly searching for a bigger and better box for you guys so jogging around 5 people to get to your pullup bar won't be so much of a hassle.

Did you do the Best of the Box challenge for this week (upper left hand column).  I have my money on Jason K. being able to get over 50 with one arm... just my thoughts.

February is the beginning of the Committed Club.  Entry will be allowed at the end of the month if you acquired over 15 days of attendance to the CF classes.  So please remember to reserve your spot in Zenplanner and sign in once you get to class.  Benefits of the C-club include entries into competitions, skill focused c-club only classes, and individual programming.  All you have to do is walk through that door more than 15 days a month.
This weekend is the St. V-days Massacre at CF Hershey.  The WODs have been released for the Scaled and Rx'd divisions.  If you're not competing, try and make it out to cheer our guys and gals on.  We're still looking for a couple judges.  If you're available, please let Dan know.  

Jerk (Split or Push)
Find a 1RM

AMRAP in 12:
10 OHS (135/95) (Scale=55% of 1RM)
Run small block (approx 175m)
*If raining, do 25 DU's.