836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Swim Clinic Today at 7am and 7pm at Northern York High School.

Sign up on Zenplanner under events.  Believe me when I say I'll be the first one to ask for the inflatable arm floaties.  I'm a horrible swimmer, and Scott and Jen put my worries to ease when I asked about being a beginner swimmer.  So, please don't have that hold you back from joining us today.  We're challenged with new movements and weights on a daily basis, and this will just be one more thing you will overcome.  We'll see you out there!

Remember:  the 6:15 Crossfit and Endurance class in the morning is cancelled, and the 6:15pm class is cancelled.

From Coach Hebe

 "Tues: Swim clinic will be the CFE WOD. I will NOT be at the box Tuesday morning, I will be at the swim clinic, at 7:00AM. That being said, if anyone wants to do some running we can go over to the Northern track, after the swim clinic. There will be some sort of WOD with the swim clinic, so I will keep that in mind for running post clinic. More than likely we will do some easy cross country running and then some hill sprints.

TUES interval WOD to do on your own would be as follows.

4x200 @ R pace on table 2 of the Daniels running calculator OR take your mile time in seconds then subtract 15 from that and divide by eight. After each 200, do an EASY 200 jog.

4x400 same pace calculation as above. EASY 400 jog after each hard 400

4x200 exactly the same as the first set"

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Muscle Ups
Front Squat hold and lowers

Level 1:  MU transitions + 5x 105% FS hold 10 seconds and negative
Level 2:  5 rounds: 3 UB MU's + 110% FS hold 15 Seconds and negative
Level 3: 5 Rounds: 5 strict UB MU's + 120% FS hold 15 seconds and negative

2 minutes on/1 minute off for 5 rounds (counting total reps) of:

3 Sumo Deadlift (225/155) (scale: 65%)
7 Burpees

Monday, July 30, 2012

Tuesday is the Swim clinic!!  Please reserve your spot on Zenplanner.
The Tuesday 6:15am Crossfit class/Endurance class and 6:15pm Crossfit class are cancelled so the coaching staff can also attend the Swim clinic.


Classes now begin 15 minutes earlier (besides the CF express and Beginners) so you can be warmed up and ready to go for the class.  The online schedule reflects this change.  Skill/Strength will start exactly 15 minutes after the beginning of class.

More changes to open gym and beginner class times will be coming in the next month or two.  Please continue to check the website and daily posts for updates.  And like always, we love your feedback, so keep it coming. 

10x3 @ 80%; rest 1 minute between sets
Deload for the backsquats today. Focus should be on explosive speed throughout the squat.
3x Max Effort Strict Chin-ups; rest 1 minute between sets
Level 1: Banded
Level 2: Unassisted
Level 3: Banded KB resistance

4 rounds:
15 Anchored sit-up to press (45/30 barbell)
20 Russian KB swings (2.5/2)
10 Single leg step up (same KB)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Reminder about the schedule change starting Monday for the self guided Warmup.  We're looking forward to the new opportunities this will provide for the programming.

~Team of 2~

Amrap 9
5 Box jumps
5 Inverted Pushups (feet on box)
5 Power Cleans (135/95)
*Partner A works while partner B rests.  Two bars are allowed if Partners have drastically different PC's.
5 Minute Rest
6 minute max effort
Max Weight Squat Snatch
*2 Bars are allowed.  Add best lifts from each partner for total score.  No weight can be loaded prior to the start of the 6 minutes, but practice can be done with an empty barbell.
5 Minute Rest
Amrap 9
100m Shuttle Sprint (50m there, 50m back)
Air Squats
*Partner A sprints 50m, around cone, and sprints back.  Partner B is accumulating as many reps of squats as possible during A's sprints.

Each Amrap is scored individually (there may be three different 1st place winners).  1st place gets an autographed photo of Hobbs.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Beginners class learning the Sumo DL

Front Squats
10x3 @ 92%
Max Distance: Standing Broad Jump, 3 attempts.

We're about half way through the Squat cycle.  Everyone should feel pretty accomplished already just by doing 30 reps at a weight equivalent to your old 3RM.

One-arm KB thrusters (1.5/1)
Burpee jump & touch @ 14"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Debra and Fran showing the 630am class how it's done

Remember to sign up under the Events page in Zenplanner to reserve your spot for the Swim clinic and WOD next Tuesday.  Two times are available, 7am and 7pm.  Goggles will not be provided, so try and grab a pair.

There will be a backup rain WOD today in case it starts really pouring.

Sumo DL 
Find 3RM

200m Run
2 Sumo DL
400m Run
4 Sumo DL
600m Run
6 Sumo DL
800m Run
8 Sumo DL
600m Run
6 Sumo DL
400m Run
4 Sumo DL
200m Run
2 Sumo DL

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Muscle-ups getting easy
All smiles after the 200m Prowler push
We'll be starting the self warm up routine this coming Monday.  The online schedule will reflect the change in class start times.

Snatch Balance
5x1 climbing in weight
*hold the bottom position for 10 seconds

Rope climb practice

5 Rounds for time:
200m Run
4 Clean & Jerks @ 80% (full squat)
2 Rope Climbs
2 Tire Flips

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

JK's Birthday PR Clean at #245

For Time:
200m Prowler push (140/90 + sled)
*after WOD

2 Muscle-ups
8 KB swings (2/1.5)

Crossfit Endurance
8x400 1 Minute Rest
Record total time
*the 400's are at the 1 mile pace

"2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate"
2 Sumo DL
200m Run
2 Sumo DL

Monday, July 23, 2012

We set a date for the Swim clinic with Scott and Jen!  There will be two 1 hour classes held on July 31, 2012.  The first will be at 7am, and the second will be at 7pm.  The pool is located in Northern York, Dillsburg, which is about 14 miles from Crossfit 717.

Everyone should bring some type of swim suit, and hopefully some goggles.  It will be broken into 40 minutes worth of technique and drills, and 15 minutes worth of a WOD.  This is extremely generous of them to offer, and I know they'll have their hands full!  The Crossfit Schedule will be revised so everyone has the opportunity to go.  This is a free event for our members only, so please remember to register online under Events to score your spot!

If you see JK (or... Jason, Ginger, Coachmel, "the naked guy") today, wish him a happy 25th Birthday!!

Backsquats 10x3 @ 87%

15m Walking Over Head Lunge (45/25)
15 Kettlebell High Pull (1.5/1)

90 seconds rest

10 Wallballs
10 Calorie Row

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Paul D. after proving he deserves a spot on the record board with a 3:38 Fran
Diet and Nutrition talk

We concentrated on Paleo during our last challenge.  This time, we'd like to talk about eating Paleo under the guidelines of the Zone.  We'd like to do another challenge soon, and want everyone to get a head start on the fundamentals of the Zone.

AMRAP 20, Team of two:
Partner 1: Farmers carry perimeter of Box
Partner 2:  Completes as many rounds as possible of
                 5 Deadlifts at 275/195 (65% of 1RM)
                 20 Double Unders (scale is p-jumps)
*partner 1 will continue where partner 2 left off.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Skip to 7:58 and watch the battle over who takes the womens 3rd place spot in the 2012 Crossfit Games.  

Training all day, every day, will get you strong.  There's plenty of Games athletes that did that.  But how many trained their mental strength and stamina enough to give 100% through any WOD, any time?  It's what separates the good from the great.  She shouldn't have won.  She was going head to head for 3rd place with Kristen Clever, a Games champion and Crossfit veteran.  Talayna gave it everything she had that day.  That's why she ended up on the podium.

 How much are you going to give today?  

Front Squats
10x3 @ 89%

For Time:
*15 Burpee box jump overs

7 Rounds of:
5 UB Overhead Squats (135/95)
9 UB Toes 2 Bar

*15 Burpee box jump overs

-Start with the 15, do the 7 rounds, then end of with the 15.
-Squat snatch into your first OHS.
-UB = UnBroken.  If you don't complete 5 OHS and 9 T2B UB, then it is considering scaling.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Great showing for the Harrisburg Mile yesterday
and congratulations to Kara, Mike, Debra, and Jen for taking home medals!!

Outstanding job to everyone who ran the Harrisburg Mile yesterday.  Way to represent 717!!

Crossfit Endurance meets back up tonight at 630pm.

All your compliments and suggestions for the new place are incredibly useful, please keep them coming in.
Along with the new box comes some adjustments.  Parking was incredibly hard to find at the last box without getting a nasty note left on your windshield.

To keep that from happening here (though we have ample parking available), please fill in the lined parking spaces by the garage door and building first.  Then, fill in the unmarked spaces along the back of the State Street Plaza, continuing down the fence line.

DO NOT park along the building PAST our loading dock/front entrance.  The school beside us needs enough room to pick up the children.  We want to be awesome neighbors.  If they can deal with Rage Against the Machine vibrating their walls all day, we can give them some room to turn the buses around.

Thanks everyone.

"Running with Ang"
1 Mile Run
50 Pullups
400m Run
50 Pushups
400m Run
50 Situps
1 Mile Run
50 Squats

"Running with A"
800m Run
25 Pullups
200m Run
25 Pushups
200m Run
25 Situps
800m Run
25 Squats

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lovett and Travis going head to head on Fran
Josh pushing through the last round
Keri testing out the new platforms

Jess testing out the bars

The first day couldn't have gone better!  I've never seen so many Fran PR's in one day.  I'll be sure to post a picture of it tomorrow.

I'll begin to post all the pictures taken during the week onto the Photobucket account so you all can dig through them.  Please keep all the good ideas coming.  We've had tons of feedback today, and want to know anything and everything we can do to improve the facility or make your experience better.

We've had lots of questions about open gym hours.  For now, we will be allowing everyone to utilize the equipment/rooms if they're not being used by the class along with the permission of the coaching staff on duty.  The caveat is that you must attend the class directly before or after you will be allowed to use the facility to do extra work. We appreciate your understanding.

The Harrisburg Mile is going on today.  Good luck to all our athletes that are competing or just going out for fun.

In 20 Minutes:
Find 1RM Clean and Jerk

6 SDHP (135/95)
6 Floor Presses
6 Windshield Wipers (1 count)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

About half the moving crew from Saturday

34ft pullup rig

View from the chill area


After everyone's hard work, we're FINALLY DONE!!
(closer to 92% complete, but it's close enough to WOD)
Come on in and check out your new Crossfit 717!
836 Market Street (rear), Lemoyne PA 17043

Go up Elm street from the old box, and turn left into the large parking lot.

The entrance in located in the rear of the building.  Please park along the fence and the back of the state street plaza.  Come in a little early if you want to check out the entire floor plan.  We'll be running classes as normal tomorrow, but there will be plenty of cool changes coming soon.

Here's something pretty cool.
Mike and Kara featured on the main Crossfit Endurance page for today!

After WOD
10x3 @ 84%
(if possible)

The very first official WOD we ever posted was in September of 2010.  We'll pull it out today to mark the next milestone.  You guessed it...

Thrusters (95/65)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

John Fox and his son Jackson doing some touchup

We will be closed Monday, 7/17/12  

We'll be getting the certificate of occupancy for tomorrow and finishing up some final touches, and will resume business at the new Box Tuesday.  The new address is 836 Market Street, rear, Lemoyne PA. 

We're in awe from the amount of support we had from all of you.  The old Box was completely empty in under 3 hours on Saturday, and Elm street was crowded with 717'ers carrying anything and everything up to the new place.  You'll never see this kind of community anywhere.  Thank you.

Monday would be a great day for a 5k run (unless you're running the Harrisburg Mile on Tuesday) or to hit the pool and go for a swim.  Check out the vacation WOD's page to the left for some awesome bodyweight WOD's you can complete anywhere.
Reminder: No Open Gym today, but there is still a lot to be done at the new box if anybody wants to come out and lend a hand. Starting at 10am.

We're going to need a lot of man power setting the pullup systems up and hanging the gymnastics rings. Jamie will start the cleaning today if any ladies would like to help scrub the box down or with paint touch ups.

We'll post tonight for updates on tomorrows schedule.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Moving Day
It looks like the rain is going to hold up until 12pm today.  With enough people and vehicles, we could get the move done fairly quick.

Please check the website and Facebook tomorrow for updates on the class schedule for Monday.  We may have to keep the doors closed to finish off the flooring and equipment installations.

Reminder: 2 classes only today, Beginner @ 9am and Crossfit at 10am.

What do you expect, it's Moving Day!

For Time:
Teams of 4 move an evenly divided amount of weight, KB's, Barbells, Wallballs, etc., 200m.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Turf 90% complete.  Wood lifting inserts in place.  
If you'll be available tomorrow or Sunday to lend a hand in moving, please come on out.  We have a ton of weight to move and pullup racks to install in the new facility.  If you haven't been to the new place yet, go straight up Elm street from our current location (the dreaded "hill" on the 400m loop you love to run), and turn left into the large parking lot in back of 840 Market Street.

Reminder:  2 classes only on Saturday, 9am Beginner and 10am Crossfit.  Open Gym is canceled on Sunday.  You can still come in and clean, but it won't be a barbell.  Thanks for understanding.

Front Squat
10x3 @ 86%
(I moved the FS to Fridays so more of you can get them in)

Squat Snatch (135/95)

*There will be plenty of progressions and scales for the WOD.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The big moving day is coming this Saturday!

The schedule for this weekend is the 9am beginner class and 10am Crossfit class. We'll cutting out the 11am class to get started earlier.  Sundays Open Gym is also canceled so we can organize and get things running smoothly come Monday.  If you have a hour or all day Saturday or Sunday to help out, we can sure use you.  We'll get some food and drinks, and have the live feed from the Crossfit Games going so you can take a break in the A/C and relax.

Monday classes may need to be cut so we can wrap up any loose ends, but I'll be sure to post that early Sunday if that's the case.

Also, how does every one feel about a swim clinic and WOD hosted by Scott Zacharda and Jen Eby on Tuesday, July 24th?!

It's still in the works, but we're looking to have TWO classes that day, 7am and 7pm.  Scott promised us that even if we don't know how to swim well, he can give us a kick ass workout.  We're proud to have members of our community reach out and get us involved in their specialty sport, and want to thank Scott and Jen for such an awesome opportunity. 

EMOM 12 (Each minute on the minute)
2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk @ 85% 
*compare to June 26, 2012

For Time:
100 Burpees
Run 100m EMOM

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rope climbs

5 Rounds for Time:
10 Push Presses (135/95)
10 Pistols (5 each leg)
15 T2B
150m Row

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

717 athletes, the Harrisburg Mile is Wednesday July 18th. Registration is open until Friday the 13th. There is a link on the left side on the 717 homepage to register. You can hand deliver registration forms to the Harrisburg Y as well. This is a great opportunity to show some 717 pride while racing or encouraging your fellow athletes.
We will use this race as the 1 mile benchmark for the big board.

Crossfit Endurance is scheduled for this morning at 630am with Mike Hebe. 

Power Snatch + Full Snatch
2x1 @ 65%
2x1 @ 70%
2x1 @ 75%

5 Deadlifts (315/225)
20 Pushups
10 C2B Pullups

Crossfit Endurance

1k row
1 mile run
2 min rest
1 mile run
1k row
400 run
8 KB Swings 1.5/1 pood
Long run should be 30-90 minutes depending on your goal and run fitness level, or try a 10k row during Sunday open gym.

Monday, July 9, 2012

-Congrats to Kara and Mike for placing first and second respectively yesterday at the Harrisburg Tri!

-The Harrisburg Mile registration closes this Friday.  I added a link in the top left corner for everyone to go sign up.  Mikes weekly endurance programing has been geared towards this distance.  Suit up and get ready to race.  We want to get as many of you out there as possible, and show off everything you've been working for.

-Our moving party is tentatively this weekend.  If you'll be around, we have a lot of equipment and rubber mats to move.  We'll get the Crossfit Games going on the projector so no one misses a beat.

10x3 @ 81%

In 10 minutes, how far can a team of 2 go:
100 Wallballs
100 KB swings (2/1.5)
100 Box Jumps
100 DU's
*Partner must hold loaded barbell in front rack position while the other is working. (205/115)

Saturday, July 7, 2012



Three rounds of:
75 pound Power snatch
Box jump, 24" box
75 pound Thruster
Chest to bar Pull-ups

"Hope" has the same format as Fight Gone Bad. In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep.

Friday, July 6, 2012


5 Rounds of Amrap 3:
6 Ring Dips
9 KB Swings

Thursday, July 5, 2012

 -Crossfit Endurance tonight at 630pm.

It's going to be 96 degrees today, so make sure to hydrate.  Let's ease back into it after 3 days of hard WOD'n. 

Front Squats
10x3 @ 83%
*After WOD

Split Jerk
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Heaviest Possible

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day WOD

There are ONLY 2 Classes today!  
8am and 10am

We hope you have a great holiday!


Five rounds for time of
50 Double unders
35 Knees to elbows
185/135 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards

Scaling Options:
Three rounds for time of
50 Double unders
35 Knees to elbows
185 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards
women - 105-115
Five rounds for time of
50 Double unders
35 Knees to elbows
135 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards
women - 85-95

Five rounds for time of
35 Double unders
25 Knees to elbows
85-95 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards
women - 55-65

Three rounds for time of
25 Double unders
15 Knees to elbows
15-25 pound Overhead walk, 20 yards

*Subs for Double unders are bar hops.
*Subs for Knees to Elbows are knees to chest suspended from the pullup bar or lay on the ground and bring your knees up to your chest.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

-Crossfit Endurance this morning at 630am.  Please sign up on Zenplanner!

-We have added another Crossfit class for tomorrow, you can now come in at 8am or 10am.  Again, please sign up so we can plan accordingly.

Squat Snatch (high hang/box)
50%x1, 60%x1, 65%x2, 70%x2x1, 75%x2x1, 80%x3x1

5 Rounds with a 20 minute time cap:
250m Run
20 Deadlifts (155/105)
20 Pushups
10 Deadlifts
10 Pushups

Crossfit Endurance

Tues 6:30am run
All distances should be run at mile pace. Take your mile interval training pace and divide by four or two. Rest will actually decrease as a percent of effort as the workout progresses. The goal of the workout is to get your body used to running at a pace that would be faster than 5k pace.
EASY 400 warm up, then a progressive 400 warm up
400 1 min rest
800 2 min rest
mile 3 min rest
800 2 min rest
Thursday 6:30pm
Mile warm up.
400 run
10 Burpee box jump overs
400 run
Rest will equal the round time.
3 rounds for time. These rounds should be even split.
400-800 cool down
Long run on any other day. Do this as a Fartlek run. Throughout the run add in multiple 60-90 second fast bursts whenever you feel like it. Total time 30-90 minutes as per fitness level.

Monday, July 2, 2012

10x3 @ 78% of 1RM

200m Sprint
5 Barbell Lunges (each leg)
10 Backsquats