836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Friday, November 30, 2012

5x3 Overhead Squat
*Climb to 80% - Snatch first rep of each set. 

After WOD...
5x25m Prowler Push 
5x25 Face Pulls

Muscle Ups
Snatches (135/95)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Everybody loves squats!!


400 run
5 power cleans
5 front squats
400 run
1 minute rest
One minute rest from minutes 20-21.
Then everyone runs one mile for time (big block, down to the light and through the shopping center then back on State St)
Record rounds and mile time.
Use a relatively light weight for the cleans and squats. They should be pretty fast movements.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

CrossFit H20
Don't forget to sign up for CrossFit H20 this Saturday at 7:00am!

HellaLife | Reebok CrossFit Retailer | Clothing & Fitness Gear
Check out your favorite CrossFit gear and like Hellalife's Facebook Page!!

Split Jerk 3-3-3-2-2
*Work up to 85%
Push Press 3x4 heavy

6 Turkish Get Ups (1.5/1)
12 Box Jumps
15 KB Press

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

0 (1500×750)

The FoxBuilt crew helped raise over $600 alone.  Thank you guys!! 
Please like FoxBuilt on Facebook.

After WOD
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes:
Snatch High Pull - Power Snatch @ 65%


1x100 Flutter kicks (4ct)

EMOM Until Failure:
KB Swing (1.5/1)
Pull Ups (NO BANDS - Sub Ring Rows)

Start with 1 KB Swing and 1 Pull Up. Increase reps by 1 each minute.

At failure: 3 Minutes Max Effort Burpees.
*Must complete at least 25 Burpees, if not completed in three minutes until 25.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Nice to have you back, Chris! 

Like Fusion Fire on Facebook!!!

Find 1RM Deadlift

For Time:
30 Front Squat (135/95)
Handstand Push Up
Hang Power Clean
30 Back Squat (135/95)

Alternating HSPU and HPC
Scale: 45% of Front Squat or 35% of Back Squat 1RM

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Bench Press
6x3 @ 65%
No more than one minute rest between sets. 

Team of two
A)-Row 300
    -30 second plank hold
B)-2 Bear Complexes (135/95)
    -10 Push Ups
    -as many KBS as possible with remaining time

Friday, November 23, 2012

Get away from the crowds... Come CrossFit

9pm- CrossFit
5PM- 717 Weightlifting
5:45pm- CrossFit

LIII: 5x3 strict MU/negative
LII: 5x2 Negative MU
L1: MU transition practice

Sumo Box Squat (banded)
10x2 @ 70%
Rest between sets is 30s

5 OHS (115/85)
15 Push Presses
10 Box Jumps
20 Wallballs

Pendlay row with WOD weight

Thursday, November 22, 2012



Like all of you, one of the things we're most thankful for is health.  I'm proud to be surrounded by like-minded individuals on a daily basis that help us stay on track, remember whats important, and live life to the fullest.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives.  Many of you have become like family to us.  Day in and day out, we're thankful for the opportunity to do what we love, and we couldn't have done it without you.  

So... Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.

-CrossFit 717 Staff

p.s. I'll also have a workout written up for all you weightlifting junkies.


22 of each movement... 2 Rounds: 

T - oes to Bar 
H - ang Snatch (95/65)
A - ir Squat
N - inety Meter Shuttle Sprint
K - ettlebell Swing (1.5/1)
S - umo DL High Pull (95/65)
G - oblet Squat
I - nverted Pushups
V - ups
I - nch Worm
N - inety Double Unders
G - round to Overhead (95/65)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Revised schedule today!!

Huge thanks to Chris for getting over 160+ shirts made in 72hrs!  We couldn't have done it without you.  Dailyscreenprinting.com
Remember to check out the revised schedule for today, tomorrow, and Friday.  If we don't get to see you before you start traveling, be safe, eat good, and enjoy yourselves.  

3 Rounds NFT:
10 Presses
20 GHD Sit Up
30 Banded Tricep Extensions

5 Rounds, NFT, for Max Reps of:
Bodyweight Bench Press (100% / 70%)
Pull Up

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Schedule

Thanksgiving Schedule
6:15 AM - 11:30 AM - 5:15 PM
 *8:00 AM
 9:00 AM (CrossFit)
 5:00 PM (717 Weightlifting) - 5:45 PM (CrossFit)

*If this fills up on Zenplanner, just come on in (if you're a member).  If you decide that morning you are NOT going to come in, please delete your reservation to open it up for someone else.

If you're visiting the area and you attend another CrossFit affiliate (or a Garage CrossFitter with at least a year experience), you're welcome to drop in for $20.   

Also, you love your family, and want them to try CrossFit... I know.  But your Cousin from Nebraska who squatted once in High School doesn't want to be limping the rest of the day.  Also, the more time I spend coaching Mr. Nebraska, the less time I can coach you.  So, in other words, if your inexperienced family wants to watch you WOD, that's great.  If they WANT to WOD, Thanksgiving is not the day for them.  Thank you for understanding!

Please visit our Sponsor of the Day

Christian's Fitness Factory in Lancaster is having a HUGE Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale.  Make sure to check them out!

800m Run

Walking Lunge (135/95)

600m Run

Back Squat (135/95)
Calorie Row

400m Run

Deadlift (135/95)
UB Wallball

200m Run

1 mile group warm-up.

3 rounds 200/400/600
Rest equals the time of the preceeding run.
No extra rest between rounds.

As athletes finish they will jump in with athletes still running and run with them.

Monday, November 19, 2012

"Endure for a Cure" was an amazing event!  I'd like to seriously thank all the volunteers, sponsors, and CrossFit Community for getting involved in this.  All said and done, we raised over $6,000 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation!!

Here are the winners from that night...
Top Rx Male: Tim from CF Hershey
Top Rx Female: Shannon from CF Hershey
Prettiest in Pink: Sarah from CF 717
Best Snatch of the Night: Mike Jenkins with a 300lbs Power Snatch!
Top Pullups: Brian C. and Mason (tied) from 717
Top Double Unders: Kelly from 717

Also, I'll be featuring one of the Sponsors per day.  Please visit their sites, and find them on Facebook and give them a Thumbs up.  They were a huge part of this event!

Spend 5 minutes before and after on Hip and Shoulder Mobility

15 minutes to find
5-3-3-2-2-2-2rm OHS
*No more, no less sets than written to find your 2rm.  Plan accordingly.
*If shoulder mobility keeps you from going heavy on an OHS, then sub in a FS.


10 minutes
Muscle Snatch
5x3 across, 55-65% of 1RM Power Snatch

9 UB Thrusters (Fran Weight)
6 Box Jumps 
3 Hang Power Cleans 

Saturday, November 17, 2012


We're still counting all the tickets sold last night!  What an incredible time. I'll announce the money raised, the winners, etc, on Monday.

Until then, I have to say that the support of the CrossFit community was simply breathtaking.  I want to thank CrossFit Hershey, CrossFit York, and Mike Jenkins, personally for coming out.  We really look forward to having our Small Central PA community come together more!

" Team Angie" 

Team of 2: 
Run 1 Mile
100 Pullups
Run 800m
100 Pushups
Run 800m
100 Situps
Run 1 Mile
100 Squats