836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Row 2K For Time

Then AMRAP 15 minutes of:

5 TGU's R
10 One-Arm KB Snatches or Swings R
5 TGU's L
10 One-Arm KB Snatches or Swings L
10 KB Swings (2 Hands)

Men: 1.5 pood
Women: 8 KG KB

Scale as Needed. You want a weight that feels modeately heavy for the TGU's, but allows you to complete the 5 reps. Then use that same KB for the one-arm snatches/swings.

Option: Use a 2nd, lighter KB for the swings as needed.

Question: In a fight, who wins: Fran or Mike Ditka?


  1. Name 2k Rounds Scale
    Kelly 7:17 3+5tgu's L 1pd/1.5 swings
    Curtis 10:20 2+5tgu's L .5pd/35db/1pd

  2. Fran or Mike Ditka? Why Fran of course. Ditka would have a coronary......

  3. Agreed. Plus, he would never hit a woman... Ditka is nothing if not a gentleman.

  4. Kara 8:11 5rds scaled
    Rachel 1.5 mile run 11:27 4rds, 5tgu's scaled
    Deb 9:10 4rds, .5 pd/1pd swing
    Chris B. 10:20 3rds, 8kg
    Rich 7:58 4 rds,.5pd
    Dave 7:72 4 rds, .5pd
    Dan 7:29 3 rds, 1pd/1.5 swings
    Hudson 8:00 2 rds+Larm snatches, 1/1.5
    Jason 7:56 3+5KB swings, 1/1.5
    Jeff 7:52 3+3 r-arm TGU, 25lb DB/1.5
    Curtis 8:08 3+5 r-arm TGU, .5pd/1pd
    Alan 8:34 2+5 KB swings, 1pd
