836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


For Time:

Run 1 mile
AMRAP 10 minutes of:
     10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
     10 Abmat Sit-ups
     10 Good Mornings
Run 1 mile

Scale Distances and Time as Needed.

Scale-Up Option: GHD Sit-ups and GHD Back Extensions instead of Abmat and Good Mornings.

Question: What are you thankful for this year?

Dave T, Chris W, Jason U & Kristen F

Hudson, Shane, Scott K, & Tim M

Chris M, Alan,  & Scott B.


  1. I'm thankful a CrossFit box finally opened up in the Harrisburg area. Thanks for getting this started, guys.

  2. Hudson,

    No thank you and all our other athletes. You guys continue to fire us up and motivate us to keep making CrossFit 717 even better.

  3. I am thankful for the people around me that motivate me and for the rare chance when I can motivate them. It makes me proud to be a part of a group that continues to push themselves and each other day in and day out.

    -Hobbit Scott

  4. Hobbit Scott will be your name from here on out...

    On to the scores:

    Kelly 25:18 5+GHD
    Chris M 29:00 4+WB
    Rachel 24:47 5+7situps
    Deb 27:18 6
    Scott B 29:01 5+8situps
    Chris B 28:34 5+WB
    Kara 23:52 6+9 situps
    Dave 28:49 5+WB
    Kristen 31:25 3+SU
    Rich 25:40 5
    Franks 25:49 5+su
    Chris W 23:33 5+3 Bck Ext.
    Jason U 25:37 6
    Tim 29:54 5+WB
    Hudson 23:39 5+1BE
    Jeff 29:11 5+4su
    Jason K. 28:58 5=wb (Lunge 200m/tire flip 200m your a monster bro)
    Allen 26:26 5+2wb
    Hobbit Scott 29:07 6+5wb

  5. I am thankful for:
    1. My Wife
    2. My Family and Friends
    3. My new CrossFit Family that inspires me. I am lucky to be part of a group such as you all. We all bring something to the table that makes 717 special. Everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving!


    PS - Hobbit Scott (laughing). That's awesome.
