836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Saturday, November 27, 2010


For Time:

30 Squat Cleans (95)
30 Rack (Back) Thrusters (95)
(20 Flutter Kicks when you rest on the thrusters. Resting=dropping the bar only, not pausing with bar resting on back.)
3 Rounds of:
TGU L to standing.
5 Windmills L.
OH KB walk to other side of gym.
Complete the TGU to floor.
TGU R to standing.
5 Windmills R.
OH KB walk back to start.

Scale Loads as Needed.


  1. Dan, can you post our times? I keep forgetting to record mine. Thanks!

  2. okay, so it took a lil longer then expected. my bad...

    Alan 15:13 95 1pd
    P 16:38 95 .5pd
    Chet 16:09 55 15lbs
    Jason u 17:31 RX 1pd
    AB 17:44 75 .5pd
    SB 17:05 RX 1pd
    Hudson 18:09 RX 35lbs
