836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Monday, December 13, 2010

WOD - "Deck of Cards"

“Deck of Cards”

The coach will shuffle a deck of cards. The cards will be dealt evenly to all athletes. One athlete flips over a card. The group completes the prescribed exercise for the number of repetitions on the card. When the last athlete finishes, the next card is flipped. Continue until deck is gone. Goal is to finish. Don’t quit.

Hearts = Thrusters  (95/75)
Diamonds = Pull-Ups
Clubs = SDHP (95/75)
Spaids = Box Jumps (24/20)
Joker = 400m Run


  1. I did not like this at all......

    I needed to reduce the thrusters to #75, and do rows instead of pull ups. I also did burpies in leau of box jumps. This is definitely not a Crossfit friendly gym at Ft Pickett...

  2. Jeff - how long are you at Ft. Pickett?
