836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Burpee-Thruster Day

At the top of every minute, perform 5 burpees.
Immediately perform as many thrusters as you can for the remainder of the minute.
Record the number of minutes it takes you to reach 100 thrusters.

Thruster Weight: Males - 100lb.
                         Females - 50lb.

Scale total number of thrusters (i.e. 75 or 50) before scaling load.

Question of the Day: An appropriate caption for the above pic of Aldo would be......???

Below: Aldo bangin' out some pull-ups during "Barbara".


  1. Picture caption: "Look mommy, I this tall." (Not a typo)

    Started out at 95lbs to focus on Fran but....
    75x 75 lbs just under 20.

  2. Dave 9:04 45lb./50 reps
    Ron 11:58 45lb./75 reps
    Rich 12:47 65lb./50 reps
    Jason K 19:42 75lb./75 reps
    Scott B 22:53 75lb./100 reps
    Erin 17:00 25lb./100 reps
    Paul 20:37 Rx

  3. I scaled to 75#/100 reps. This was pretty brutal. I felt lightheaded near the end. I guess I should have gone up in weight and scaled the reps.
