836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This Saturday's WODs

Hey 717-

(Paul here) We're trying a little something today. We're programming 3 WODs today, one at 9am, one at 10am, and one at 11am. Each one will have a different focus. 9am's WOD will be strength-based, 10am will be a metcon, and 11am will be an endurance WOD/chipper. Feel free to do one, two, or all three WODs if you feel up to the challenge. Work on whatever your weaknesses are, or just have fun. Maybe we can get a mini-games type of atmosphere going. The WODs are listed below -hope to see you all there!

WOD #1 (9am):

For Time:
5-4-3-2-1 Of:

Bench Press (225 - or scale weight as needed)
Bent Over Rows (225 - or scale as needed)
Turkish Get-Ups (1.5 pood, #reps each side)

WOD #2 (10am)


7 Rounds For Time Of:

7 Deadlifts (315lb. - scale load as needed)
1 Full Gasser (1 Gasser = 193m sprint)
15 Pull-Ups

Rest 45 seconds between rounds.

This WOD can also be scaled further based on each athlete's capability (i.e.fewer rounds/reps)

WOD #3 (11am): Seal Grinder

5 Rounds For Time Of:

500m Row or 50 reps Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (50lb.)
20 Push-Ups
25 Sit-Ups
6 Mountain Climber Pull-Ups
400m Run

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