836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Friday, December 10, 2010


“The Chief”

AMRAP 3 minutes Of:

3 Power Cleans (135)
6 Push-Ups
9 Squats

Then rest 1 minute.

Repeat for 5 Cycles. Score your total number of rounds completed.
(You are performing 3 minutes of work followed by 1 minute of rest, and repeating 5 times.)

"You are so wise...you're like a miniature Buddha covered with hair." - Ron Burgundy, to his dog.

Below: 717'rs banging out some L-sits after a run.

Question: What would be a great caption for Scott's facial expression below?


  1. What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing. How 'bout we get you in your p.j.'s and we hit the hay.

  2. As Rx'd

    19 rounds.

    I didn't know what to do with partial rounds, so I did not count them.....

    Not using pumper plates and no chalk definitely makes a difference.....


  3. And now that face is on the interwebs forever. Thank you crossfit. Thank you.

  4. Hahaha Scott your famous! Or is it infamous!

  5. Frank 20 + 3PC @115
    Elizabeth 17 + 2PC @45
    Curtis 18 + 5Squats @95
    Scott B. 16 + (2PC,5Squats) Rx
    Rachel 20 @45
    Jordan 11 Rx
    Jason U 18 + (8PC,12PU,7Squats) Rx
    Paul 26 + (8PC,6PU,4Squats) Rx
    Kristen 16 + (9PC,6PU,4Squats)@55
    Aldo 23 + (6PC,9PU) Rx
    Chris W 19 + (11PC,14PU,8Squats) Rx
    Scott (H.) 21 + (8PC,6PU,6Sq) Rx
    Ed 14 + (4PC,3Squats) @ 95
    Alan 17 + (13PC,21PU,4Squats) Rx
    Dan 23 + 6PC Rx

  6. I think "Milk was a baaaad choice!" pretty much describes your face Scott. And the interwebs is forever better now that this mug of yours is on there.
