836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Friday, January 7, 2011


For Time:

6 Rounds Of:

4 Weighted Pull-Ups (5RM weight)
5 Power Snatch (135lb.)
6 GHD Sit-Ups

Then 2K Row.

Row immediately after completing 6 rounds. Row is included in total time.

If your max pull-ups are less than 10, do bodyweight pull-ups. We want to build strength during the first half of this WOD.


  1. Kelly 15:36 25#p/u,95#PS
    Elizabeth 18:42 box HSPU(24"),PB+YB p/u, 25#PS
    Curtis 20:16 box HSPU (20"),PB p/u, 65# PS
    Aldo 17:40 15#p/u,95#PS
    Scott B. 18:28 15#P/U,75#PS
    Richard 20:05 15#p/u,65#PS
    Jason U. 21:20 12kg p/u,95#PS
    George 21:35 25#p/u,95#PS
    Paul 20:56 24kg p/u,135#PS
    Tiff 22:17 3 box HSPU/3 Press, Ring rows,v-ups,55#PS
    Erin 23:47 3 box HSPU/3 Press,PB p/u, 55#PS
    Dave T. 23:50 3 HSPU/3 Press, PB p/u, 55#PS
    Ron 24:25 1 pood press, PB p/u, 95#PS
    Hudson 28:50 1 pood press, .5 pood ring row, 1 pood PS (all exercises 1-arm)
    Jason K. 21:27 95#PS
    H.Scott 23:44 BW p/u, 95#PS
    Tudd 19:27 95#PS
    Murray 26:16 65# press, 5#p/u, 85#PS
    Rob 26:25 95# press, 10#p/u, 95#PS
    Hannah 22:17 35# clean&press, PB p/u, 35#PS

  2. 18:28
    15# Pull-up / 75# Power snatch

    This felt great. Hardest part was the handstand push-ups. Will need to increase snatch weight next time out.
