Better Body Challenge II
1 September 2012
$5 Entry Fee
Prizes go to top 3, male or female
Jamie and Dan will be checking body fat percentages, taking "before" pictures, and weigh-ins on Sunday 8/26 during open gym and Thursday 8/30 after the 5:30pm class. Your BF % has to be checked BEFORE a workout, but eating before is fine. If you plan on doing the challenge, deposit must be in by Thursday 8/30.
We'll be doing different test WOD's this time, and be pushing the Zone hard on this one. So, go out today and purchase a food scale ($30 or so from Target) and some good measuring utensils. Read the PDF regarding the Zone under the Nutrition tab. We'll discuss the amount of blocks you'll need once we get your BF% checked.
This is a 30 Day lifestyle change. We will be changing our nutrition habits to view eating as a clean, controlled, and calculated way of fueling our body. We will work hard when we walk through that door, not give up, and hold ourselves to a higher standard. We will attempt to get a full nights rest, and reduce stress that throws us off the path towards achieving our goals.
This is just the beginning to a new you. The Better Body Challenge holds you accountable. It makes you think everyday about the goal you, and every other person involved in the challenge, is working towards. A stronger, leaner, healthier... better you.
If you want a different kind of challenge, Kelly H. and "Tudd" will be doing a SealFit WOD this Saturday, starting at 9am. Details are under todays WOD.
7x1 Strict Press
8 Tabata intervals of each movement.
-DB/KB Push Press, single arm (alternating arm each interval)
-Strict Pullups
-Plank Holds
-Row (Calories)
*1 Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. All 8 intervals are to be done before moving onto next movement. I expect high reps on the Strict Pullups. Use a band as needed.
This Saturdays SealFit WOD, starting at 9am.
Baseline: ROM drills. 3 Rounds: run 200m, 5x tire flip, 5 x HSPU
Work Capacity: for time do 21-15-9 of:
Wall balls
Front Squat (95# / 65#)
Push-Press (95# / 65#)
Box jumps (24 / 20)
Strength: 1-1-1 strict press. 1 rep @ 75% 1 RM, 1 rep @ 85% 1 RM, 1+ reps @ 95% 1 RM (last set is a burn out set).
Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 15x strict press @ 80% 1 RM, 75x plyo push ups, 400m WTD overhead lunge (45#25#)
Durability: 2,000m row (Goal is 7 minutes for men, and 7:30 for women).
100x good morning darlings, 100x sit ups. 5 minutes box breathing,
mobility drill
*This is NOT what the WOD will be for everyone on Saturday, but is a good chance to test your physical and mental stamina. This is an athlete ran WOD. Though Kelly and Tudd are two high level athletes, they are not there to coach you. I cannot promise a coach will be available to the athletes who take on this venture. Bring something to eat, and most of all, have fun!