836 Market Street (rear)
Lemoyne, PA 17043
(717) 635-8806

Friday, August 31, 2012

Maria at "work" in Bolivia
"The pictures were taken in the Bolivian lowlands (the Amazon Basin) in
a place called San Ignacio de Moxos. It is famous for the Jesuit
Missions that settled there in the early 1700s. That is my friend
Eduardo Machicado in the last picture."

 If you missed today's BF% check, please contact us via email to arrange a time to meet up.  September 1st is tomorrow!!!  You can do ANYTHING for 30 days.  There's a good chance you'll see a new you October 1st.  If you have any doubts, take a look at the testimonials page.  Commit to optimal nutrition and fitness for 1 month.  What's there to lose?

(this is the first test of the Squat program.  Two week left.)
Front Squats
6x2 @ 101%

8 Rounds for time:
3 Suitcase Deadlifts (each arm) @ 60% of Power Clean
40m Suitcase carry (20m each arm)
3 Barbell Lunges (Front Rack/each leg)

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Final day for body fat checks starting at 5:15pm tonight! 
Body fat percentages and "prescribed" Zone block numbers will be emailed to individuals Friday evening along with more information about the Better Body Challenge. We are using the email address on Zen Planner; please update information if anything has changed.


2 Rounds. Time each round:

600m Run
5 Toes to Bar
20 Lateral Bar Hops
5 Push Press (65% of 1RM strict press; should be light weight that can be moved quickly.)

400m Run
5 Toes to Bar
20 Lateral Bar Hops
5 Push Press

200m Run
5 Toes to Bar
20 Lateral Bar Hops
5 Push Press

**Rest two minutes between rounds. Pace yourself to keep even splits for both rounds.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Reminder:  BF% for the BB Challenge II starting at the 515pm class this Thursday. 

10x2 Push Press climbing in weight

3 Rounds for Time
20 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5)
20 Goblet Squats
20 Alternating KB Pushups
30 Second Break

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

CrossFit Endurance
2.5 mile Indian run. In groups of three, runners will start out on a 2.5 mile loop at 1 mile + 1 minute pace. One runner will turn around and run thirty seconds in the opposite direction; they will then stop and run hard back up to the other two runners. As soon as they rejoin, another runner peels off to do their Indian run. This process is constant for the whole 2.5 mile loop. It basically is 1.5 minutes work with 3 minutes running recovery.

Weighted Ring/Matador dips
5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1 climbing in weight

"Death by 10m"
*If raining, "Death by 20m row"

Monday, August 27, 2012

(3 more weeks of the Squat Program)
10x3 @ 84%
Jerk Dip
3x3 @ 100-105%

In 12 Minutes, complete:
5 Clean & Jerks @ 85%
1 Box Jump
1 Pullup
2 Box Jumps
2 Pullups
3 Box Jumps
3 Pullups
*Climb the ladder as far as possible in 12 minutes.  The 5 C&J's are done only at the beginning of the WOD.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Jamie and Dan will be doing BF% checks tomorrow during Open Gym for the BB Challenge II.  Please bring your entry fee ($5) with you.  Like last year, the winner of the BB Challenge will walk away with prizes, included cash, hence the registration fee.

The Sealfit WOD starts at 9am sharp. I posted the WOD on Wednesday.  Again, this will be an athlete run WOD, with no instruction besides the guy/gal beside you.  Warning: There is a certain (high) level of conditioning needed to take this on.  Have fun.

Teams of 4 complete for time:
200m Prowler push loaded with entire teams weight (230)
*Members A and B will be pushing prowler 25m, while C and D will OH carry barbells 25m.  Members A and B will then unload weight off of prowler for C and D to complete the following
Thrusters (135/95)
*Members will then unload weight from barbell and load on Prowler.  Members A and B will OH carry barbell 25m while C and D push prowler 25m.  Members C and D will then unload weight off of prowler for A and B to complete the following
Thrusters (135/95)

*There will be a total of 8 stops, each at 25m marks, totaling 200m.
Stops 1,2:
Thrusters (135/95)

Stops 3,4:
Over Head Squats (135/95)
Bar Hops

Stops 5,6:
Deadlifts (135/95)

Stops 7,8:
Push Press (135/95)
Box Jumps

Friday, August 24, 2012

Front Squats
10x3 @ 86%


For time:
50 Wall ball shots (20/14)
25 Toes-to-bar
40 Wall ball shots, (20/14)
20 Toes-to-bar
30 Wall ball shots, (20/14)
15 Toes-to-bar
20 Wall ball shots, (20/14)
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Wall ball shots, (20/14)
5 Toes-to-bar

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lauren and the LVC girls soccer team after their first Crossfit 717 WOD!


 800 run
Deadlift 2x5 @ 70% 1RM
800 run
Strict Press 2x5 @ 70% 1RM
800 run
Squat 2x5 @ 70% 1RM
800 run

The scale is with the run distances, no scale on lifts.
L1 Rx
L2 600 run
L3 400 run

After the second run, unload the deadlift weight to get to your strict press weight, that is your rest.

After the third run, place your strict press weight in a squat rack and load to your squat weight. After squats leave the weight & do your last run.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Better Body Challenge II
1 September 2012
$5 Entry Fee
Prizes go to top 3, male or female

Jamie and Dan will be checking body fat percentages, taking "before" pictures, and weigh-ins on Sunday 8/26 during open gym and Thursday 8/30 after the 5:30pm class. Your BF % has to be checked BEFORE a workout, but eating before is fine.  If you plan on doing the challenge, deposit must be in by Thursday 8/30. 

We'll be doing different test WOD's this time, and be pushing the Zone hard on this one. So, go out today and purchase a food scale ($30 or so from Target) and some good measuring utensils.  Read the PDF regarding the Zone under the Nutrition tab.  We'll discuss the amount of blocks you'll need once we get your BF% checked.  
This is a 30 Day lifestyle change.  We will be changing our nutrition habits to view eating as a clean, controlled, and calculated way of fueling our body.  We will work hard when we walk through that door, not give up, and hold ourselves to a higher standard.  We will attempt to get a full nights rest, and reduce stress that throws us off the path towards achieving our goals.  

This is just the beginning to a new you.  The Better Body Challenge holds you accountable.  It makes you think everyday about the goal you, and every other person involved in the challenge, is working towards.  A stronger, leaner, healthier... better you.

If you want a different kind of challenge, Kelly H. and "Tudd" will be doing a SealFit WOD this Saturday, starting at 9am.  Details are under todays WOD.

7x1 Strict Press

8 Tabata intervals of each movement.
-DB/KB Push Press, single arm (alternating arm each interval)
-Strict Pullups
-Plank Holds
-Row (Calories)
*1 Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  All 8 intervals are to be done before moving onto next movement.  I expect high reps on the Strict Pullups.  Use a band as needed.

This Saturdays SealFit WOD, starting at 9am.
Baseline: ROM drills. 3 Rounds: run 200m, 5x tire flip, 5 x HSPU

Work Capacity: for time do 21-15-9 of:

Wall balls
Front Squat (95# / 65#)
Push-Press (95# / 65#)
Box jumps (24 / 20)

Strength: 1-1-1 strict press. 1 rep @ 75% 1 RM, 1 rep @ 85% 1 RM, 1+ reps @ 95% 1 RM (last set is a burn out set).

Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 15x strict press @ 80% 1 RM, 75x plyo push ups, 400m WTD overhead lunge (45#25#)

Durability: 2,000m row (Goal is 7 minutes for men, and 7:30 for women). 100x good morning darlings, 100x sit ups. 5 minutes box breathing, mobility drill

*This is NOT what the WOD will be for everyone on Saturday, but is a good chance to test your physical and mental stamina.  This is an athlete ran WOD.  Though Kelly and Tudd are two high level athletes, they are not there to coach you.  I cannot promise a coach will be available to the athletes who take on this venture.  Bring something to eat, and most of all, have fun!   

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We've had tons of requests about locker rentals, and will be opening a select # to be rented for $10/mo.  Talk to one of the coaches about adding the option to your account.

CrossFit Endurance
4x6:00 minutes

Athletes will run for 3:00, and then turn around. We will use the flat mile course. You MUST make it back to the start line by 6:00.There is four minutes rest between sets. For EVERY SECOND you are late you will owe FIVE burpees on the spot.

The goal of this workout is to ingrain finishing speed, even when tired. You control the pace, if you want to go VERY SLOW, EVEN WALK, THE FIRST THREE MINUTES THAT IS FINE. You only need to make it back to the start line in less time.


Mobility (after WOD)

5 rounds, each for time:
50m prowler push (140/90)
175m Sprint
2 Deadlifts (335/225)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
1 Rope Climb
~Rest as needed between rounds.

*Compare to May 16, 2012.  If your 80% of DL is within 15lbs up or down of Rx, then do Rx.  If your 80% is more than 15lbs above Rx, then go with your 80%.  If it's more than 15lbs below Rx, then go to L2.

5 Rounds, each for time:
50m Prowler push (90/45)
175m Sprint
2 Deadlifts (245/165) (70% or 1rm)
12 Box Jumps (20/16)
1 Rope Climb 
~rest as needed
*Same 15lbs rule apply from above, but your using 70%

5 Rounds, Each for time:
50m Prowler push (45/Sled)
175m Sprint
2 Deadlifts (BW/75% of BW)
12 Box Jumps (16/12)
3 rope progressions
~rest as needed

Monday, August 20, 2012

Where's the new coach?

Better Body Challenge II
1 September 2012
$5 entry fee
Prizes go to top 3, male or female

Details about initial BF% check and pictures to come Wednesday. 

2012 Mid-Atlantic Hopper Athletes
Here's a list of the 717'rs going down this year.  Let's all make sure these guys and gals are hitting the WOD's hard each and everytime they walk through that door.  They'll be doing tons of extra work over the next month, and will need the support from everyone around them!

Jamie C.
Jason K.
Tony C.
Karen P.
Bekah H.
Mason S.
Levi H.
Sandi S.
Maria B.
Jen G.
Jen E.
Wendy D.
Paul D.
Tony F.

8x1 Muscle Snatch (Climbing in weight to Max)
Back Squat 10x2 @ 93%

2 Muscle Snatches @ 60% of Max weight found today
2 Bar Facing Burpees
*You will start each minute by doing 2 Muscle Snatches.  These will not climb in weight nor in reps for the entire WOD.  After each set of Muscle Snatches, you will do one more Bar Facing Burpee than you did the last round, beginning with a set of 2. 

*Focus on not losing your midline support during the burpee descent.  Keep core rigid.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Saturday, August 18, 2012


Rope Climb Practice

If you can climb up and down the rope twice in 30 seconds, you test out and will be practicing pistols. 
Pistol practice or 4x8 weighted pistols.


Team of 3
16 Minute Time Cap: 

21 Bear Complex (155/105 - or 65% of 1RM clean&jerk) (7 per person)
15 Rope Climbs (5 per person)
9 MU's per person
30 Second Handstand Hold per person (No Wall; partners spotting.)
100m Barbell Carry for team (Heaviest barbell used by team.)

* One athlete works at a time. Rotate athletes after each Bear Complex; Person A does 1 BC, Person B does 1 BC, Person C does 1 BC, continue rotation until the team has completed 21. Each person completes all 5 rope climbs before rotating teammates. Each person must complete 3 MU's before rotating teammates, for a total of 3 sets of 3 per person.

* Scale for MU: 6 Pullups & 6 Ring Dips = 3 MU's

Friday, August 17, 2012

From the Mid-Atlantic Hopper FB page

Registration opens [today]! Links to register will be posted here and on the CrossFit BWI website, www.crossfitbwi.com. We expect to sell out very quickly. Don't delay in signing up! If you don't get in, you can register for the wait list. Teams who wish to be wait listed must contact john@crossfitbwi.com.

The cost per individual is $100 and includes one spectator/coach pass.

The cost per team
is $400 and includes 2 spectator/coach passes. Teams will be comprised of 3 men and 3 women and limited to 25 teams. Only one team per gym is allowed. Team captains must contact drea@crossfitbwi.com with shirt sizes by September 1st to guarantee the sizes they want.

The elite division will be limited to 20 men and 20 women.

The masters division will be limited to 10 men and 10 women.

The open division is open to 60 individuals, men or women.

Refunds are limited to 50% until September 1st. There will be no refunds given after September 1st. Be sure that you can compete in the division for which you register.

Push/Split Jerk 6x1 climbing in weight
Front Squat
6x2 @ 98%

Double Unders (scale: bar hops)
*achieve full range of motion on situps.  Shoulder blades touching floor at bottom and torso 90° or more at top. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Registration for the Mid-Atlantic Hopper is this Friday at 12pm.  This event always sells out quick, so if you're planning on joining a team this year, we have to figure it out today.  Individual competitors cost is $100, and a team is $400.  It's an extremely well organized event and was worth the money in the past years.  Go onto the CF717 Hopper page and let's begin to organize the teams.  Once I know who signs up, we will begin organizing the details and programming.

CF Endurance WOD

Hill sprints, after the WOD. 

We will use the alley. Start easy and progressively get faster to where the alley starts to pitch up and start to sprint from there until right before the end of the alley. (Do not run out onto Market St. Walk to bottom and repeat. If the last run/row is greater than five minutes, then scale back to three hill sprints.

4 Rounds for time with a two minute rest between rounds.
This is an all-out very fast effort. Emphasis is on speed and power. Rower on 8 for men 5 for women.
400m run
400m row
6 Power cleans L3 135/95, L2 115/75, L1 95/50
Each round will flip flop the run/row
1) run, row, clean
2) row, run, cean
3) run, row, clean
4) row, run, clean
This will stress the body very differently when cleans follow a row vs. a run.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012



With a single 2/1.5 pood kettlebell:
21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

With a single 1.5/1 pood kettlebell:
21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Left arm
50 Swings
21 Overhead squats, Right arm
50 Swings
21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

With a single kettlebell less than 1 pood:
10 Turkish get-ups, Right arm
20 Swings
10 Overhead squats, Left arm
20 Swings
10 Overhead squats, Right arm
20 Swings
10 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

CF Endurance
6 hill sprints
2000 run as flat mile from the old box then a block loop 400. The mile is to be run steady paced at 15-20 sec slower than fastest paced mile. The 400 should be run all out as hard as possible. Take a two minute rest then repeat.
Hill sprints are after a two minute rest after the second 2000. We will use the alley. Start easy and progressively get faster to where the alley starts to pitch up and start to sprint from there until right before the end of the alley. (Do not run out onto Market St. Walk to bottom and repeat. If the 2000 takes longer than nine minutes, then cut back to three hill sprints.


5 sets of:
L1- Muscle-Up progressions + 115% FS hold 10s and negative
L2- 3 UB MU's (Dip x2) + 125% FS hold 15s and negative
L3- 5 UB MU's (Dip x3) + 130% FS hold 15s and negative

For reps
3 min: Pullups
1 min rest
2 min: Burpee Broad Jumps (6ft/4ft)
1 min rest
3 min: Wallball (20/14)
1 min rest
2 min: T2B
 *The Pullup record board will be filled in after today.  Your first attempt on Pullups, Wallballs, and T2B should all be Max Effort Unbroken efforts.  The Burpee broad jumps should be a continuous effort.  Each rep after the first ME counts towards the total score.

Here's a video on how to tape your hands.  I'd recommend doing this if your a serious kipper or butterfly
aficionado.  Unfortunately, we do not supply tape at the box.  Fortunately, there is a Dick's sporting goods on the Carlisle Pike that does.  It also comes in handy for heavy Clean and/or Front Squat WOD's in place of wrist straps.  Buy a couple rolls and keep them in your gym bag.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Back Squat
10x3 @ 81%


For Time:
400m Run (flat)
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (135/95) (scale: 75% strict press)
1 Push Press
2 Push Press
3 Push Press
500m Row

**Alternating sumo deadlift high pull descending from 10-1; while push press is ascending from 1-10. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rope climbing technique.
L1:  10 climbs
L2:  10 climbs w/ 3-4 pulls max
L3:  Wear weighted vest or L-sit

Team of 4 completes for time...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Anyone interested in competing in October at BWI's Mid-Atlantic Hopper, please join the Facebook group by 8/11/12 so we can be prepared for registration on 8/17/12. From that point on; we will establish organized teams, programming, and be prepared for team workouts every Saturday. 

Front Squats
10x3 @ 83%

Games style "Elizabeth"

Power Cleans (135/95)
Ring Dips

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Snatch balance w/ 10s hold
8x1 (climbing in weight)
then...  After WOD
Tire Flip 50m for time.

600m Run (scale: 400)
10 KB swings (1.5/1)
6 Box Depth Jumps

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


“Filthy Fifty”


For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders



For time:
35 Box jump, 18-20 inch box
35 Jumping pull-ups
35 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 35 steps
35 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
35 Push press, 45 pounds
35 Back extensions
35 Wall ball shots, 14-20 pound ball
35 Burpees
35 Double unders


For time:
20 Box jump, 10-15 inch box
20 Jumping pull-ups
20 Kettlebell swings, 12kg
Walking Lunge, 20 steps
20 Ab-Mat Sit-ups
20 Push press, 25-30 pounds
20 Back extensions
20 Wall ball shots, 10-16 pound ball
20 Burpees
20 Single unders

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Congrats to Scott and Stephanie Shirley for getting married this past weekend!  We wish you both the best!

L1: *MU progressions + 5x 110% FS hold 10s and negative
L2: 5 UB MU's + 5x 120% FS hold 15s and negative
L3: 5 Strict MU's (dip x2) + 5x 125% FS hold 15s and negative
*MU progressions can be jumping MU's.  If dips needs assistance, do 1x100 band tricep extensions after WOD.

5 Rounds:
10 Deadlifts (245/165)
40 Double unders (scale is bar hops)
*compare to 5/29/2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Back Squats: 10 x 2 @ 90% 1RM
Max Effort 500m Row

AMRAP in 7 of:
7 Hang Squat Snatch (95/65)
14 OH Lunges (45/25)

L1: 45/30 bar, 15 bar/unweighted lunge
L2: 65/45, 25/15 plate
L3: Rx

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Guys we have had a bunch of interest in the team portion of the Mid-Atlantic Hopper.  Make sure to try to make the Saturday team workouts.  It will allow you to start getting used to working as part of a team, ie strategies for being more efficient in movements, transitions, etc.

In teams of two:
30 partner med ball tosses over the pull-up rack
20 T2B (10 per person)

Rest 8 mins.

Climb the ladder, 2-3-4-5-6-7-... reps of:
Deadlift (65% 1RM)
Partner in a handstand hold
Switch off after every round

Rest 6 mins.

50m Shuttle sprints (25m there & back)
One partner rests while other partner performs sprint.

Rest 4 min.

Stone to shoulder (scaling: punching bag, sand bags, med ball, plate to OH)
Each partner goes for 2 mins.  Team decides who goes first.