Tomorrow, from 1pm-4pm, is the Olympic Lifting Clinic with an incredible coach, Mike McKenna. He's also bringing 3 of his Oly lifters so we all get the most out of the clinic. This is an excellent oppurtunity to get some serious eyes on your Cleans, Jerks, and Snatches.
Again, this is free of charge for our members. We want to provide you guys the best we can get, and this is one of them.
Beginner class members and Punchcard members are welcome to join, but will be $15, which is still a deal for a 4 hour clinic.
Sunday, We'll begin playing some volleyball and eating ribs around noon on city island. Come out, have a beer and some ribs, and hang out with the 717 family. Your more then welcome to bring a friend, all we ask is they donate a couple bucks to the food fund.
OPEN GYM will be from 10am-11:30am so we can get over to City Island in time.
Road Bike Group Ride- It seems like we have a fair amount of athletes in the Box that like to ride. If your interested in getting a group ride going, leave a comment and lets hit the streets.
Don't forget to keep challenging yourself in other areas of fitness! Play new sports, try new challenges. Crossfit prepares you to kick a$$ not only in the box, but in any arena. Go test yourself!!
Carmen with 495lb on bar, plus two 1.5pd KB's, 8 second front rack hold. |